Cold King, the Doctor Fei Is Running Away

Chapter 1169: Whose blood, whose god

Biquge, the fastest update of Leng Wang, the medical concubine will elope the latest chapter!

"Festival of God, the second step: the relic fairy."

When Ji Jue and Feng Xingying reached the highest point, the ceremony officer sang again.

The bright voice, with a strong spiritual force, was clearly introduced into everyone's ears.

"The relic of Canglong Mountain, Canglong splits the skygun. Please ask the Son of God to show the Holy."

With a Jin Chancan's spear delivered to Ji Jue, Ji Jue held Feng Xingying's hand and naturally made a bloodstain at the muzzle.

Of course, in the eyes of outsiders, their husband and wife are affectionate. Even if the blood is verified, Ji will never let go of Feng Xingying's hand.

Because Ji Jue's blood flowed like a note, Feng Xingying was only accidentally caught in the palm of his hand.

Ji's unique method of manifestation was exactly the same as that of Feng Xingying's Yi Huang Sword that day.

Ji Ju's movements are naturally smooth and will not be doubted at all.

Many people look forward to waiting for some changes in the dragon gun to see the blood.

Everyone held their breath, and no one dared to make a loud noise, for fear of noisy spirits.

Time, little by little, the quiet and terrible crowd will inevitably have a feeling of doubt.

"Everyone please be calm and calm. Ancient Protoss have three opportunities to test. The holy relic has not manifested for thousands of years. Please ask Ji Jiezi to try again." The official said.

Ceremonial officers are the core children of Ji's family, of course, to help Ji Jue speak.

Ji nodded his head, his expression was a little awkward. He saw Feng Xingying's blood show his sacredness that day, and there was only a little bit of blood. Why couldn't he get here?

Is there less blood?

Ji could only be ruthless, and made a long cut with a spear sharply from his right arm.

Of course, Feng Xingying, who was carried by him on his right hand, was also accidentally injured, and a long gun was also drawn across Feng Xingying's arm at the same time, leaving a deep blood hole.

Looking forward, silence.

"Hehe." The abrupt laughter broke the silence of the space.

Everyone looked in the direction of laughter.

The person who laughed turned out to be Feng Xingying?

Ji Jue's heartbeat accelerated for half a beat. He wanted to say that it was great that Xingying finally woke up, but his heart was a little bit awkward and felt something was wrong.

"Are you going to kill me for blood before this time?" Feng Xingying satired sarcastically.

"Xingying, don't make a noise." Ji must want to say something, but was stunned by the vision in front of her.

I saw Feng Xingying as the center, a fiery red phoenix bird spread its wings and became higher and higher in the air, becoming more and more real, like a phoenix bird from the sky.

Some people even saw the expression on the face of the phoenix bird with a trace of solemnity and sadness, which was similar to Feng Xingying.

The phoenix bird is so big that it is scary, and one wing can cover the entire sky.

Fortunately, this is just an illusion, not a real bird.

But people still spontaneously kneel to the ground in excitement and shouted:




"God bless Yunxi!"

At this time, Feng Xingying was holding the sword of Huang Feng in his hand, and said loudly: "Feng Xingying, the descendant of the Ye Huang of the God Phoenix family, a branch of the Phoenix Phoenix. The sword name is away from the Phoenix, the Phoenix relic.

Feng Xingying's voice is not loud and calm, but it can echo over the entire Kowloon City.

Everyone kneeled and looked up, no longer Ji Ji, but Feng Xingying who suddenly opened his blood.

Feng Xingying revealed his identity in such a simple and rude manner.

The last thing she regrets now is that she was too worried about revealing her identity. If she had given up all estimates earlier to bear the risks brought by her identity, perhaps Qin Molin would not ...

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