Biquge, the fastest update of Leng Wang, the medical concubine will elope the latest chapter!

Qin Mo was awake, but he couldn't lift his eyelids and couldn't open his mouth. He could hear the movements outside but couldn't give back.

For example, now, he feels very warm. Feng Xingying can understand Xiaoyu's words and communicate with Xiaoyu without any obstacles. It seems that the people here do not understand Xiaoyu's puppet except himself.

Qin Mo suddenly felt that the life of the two of them and one dog seemed to be really good.

Feng Xingying gave the **** dog Xiaoyu a glance, went to Qin Mo, and hugged him to bed.

She really used a hug, and it was a princess hug!

Fortunately, Feng Xingying was practicing martial arts at the same time, and it was not a problem to lift a stone pan, let alone hold a person.

Just this pose ...

When Qin Mo opened his eyes laboriously, Feng Xingying had been carefully placed on the bed, but she was lying on his back half before she left.

He opened his eyes, facing her thick eyelashes and clear and bright eyes.

Qin Mo quickly closed his eyes, and his face was completely red, but it was hard to cover his mood at the moment.

Feng Xingying didn't say a word, while Qin Mo was distracted, he put a needle under his nose and lips.


Qin Mo opened his eyes again, and the innocent looked at Feng Xingying with a little grievance.

Feng Xingying has stopped.

Only at this moment, a scream broke the strong ambiguity between them.

"You, you, who are you! How come in Mr. Qin's room?"

Feng Xingying didn't get up, just glanced up at the woman who broke in. At the age of twenty-four, it should be the lady in the academy.

"What you want to ask is why am I on his bed?" Feng Xingying laughed softly:

"Do you still need to ask? Of course I am his maiden. It's just that you, a woman who hasn't been out of the house, came into the house early in the morning to watch the pictures of the palace and disturb our husband and wife's life. Isn't that kind of kind?"

"Mother? Mr. Qin, when did you have a mother?"

"It wasn't before, it's now. If you're fine, let's go out. My family doesn't welcome rude guests." Feng Xingying's voice was cold, why could she not see the woman's affectionate look at Qin Mo.

The woman was not so easy to fool. After she first heard the "girl" shocked, angry, and disappointed, she quickly calmed down.

"No! Mr. Qin seems to be in bad health. I must ensure his safety to go!"

"I'm fine, you go out first." Qin Mo's voice was weak, but Feng Xingying wasn't broken.

"Mr. Qin, I felt your breath was weak, so I ventured in, and please forgive me." The woman looked at Feng Xingying with deep eyes before exiting the door.

While continuing to treat Qin Mo, Feng Xingying instructed the **** dog: "Xiaoyu, since you have become a dog, you must have a dog-like look. Other people's native dogs can watch the door and prevent strangers from coming in. Your wisdom and wisdom Dogs with coexisting strengths, of course, have to fulfill their duties of guarding the door. Your owner is weak. You must watch the door. Do n’t let strangers come in, you know? "

"Oh!" Xiaoyu was ashamed by Feng Xingying. Not to mention that this **** dog is kind and easy to get along with, at least knows that Feng Xingying is right, and also knows to admit it.

"Xingying, don't blame Xiaoyu, it seems that I also fainted and panicked."

"Well, seeing that you have a good attitude and a handsome guy begging you, this time I forgive you." Feng Xingying patted Xiaoyu's head.

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