Cold King, the Doctor Fei Is Running Away

Chapter 1192: Ye Lanyu's Challenge 6: By Strength

Biquge, the fastest update of Leng Wang, the medical concubine will elope the latest chapter!

"How does Feng Xingying, a dark horse, respond to the master's duel? Let us ask Mr. Qin Mo what he said." Zhaocai knew that he was nothing, so he left the topic to Qin Mo, and of course he will also be a famous opportunity Give to Qin Mo.

Qin Mo's answer kept a simple style: "Strength, she is stronger."

This is so hard to understand.

Fortunately, Feng Xingying used his record to speak, and from the confrontation between the front and the back, he did not take any tricks to defeat Ye Lanyu.

This time, Ye Lanyu didn't have any luck in her heart. Feng Xingying in the chess game made her feel completely unshakable. She knew that this was the gap.

But Ye Lanyu had various vanity names in her body, allowing her to admit to Feng Xingying, she couldn't do it.

After losing the test, Ye Lanyu simply broke away from the virtual world and returned to reality, lying on the bed numbly and motionless.

The two games just now consumed brainpower and spirit. She has been pressed and beaten by Feng Xingying. She has already been squeezed out by Feng Xingying, which is more tiring than a fight.

Jun Yu was beaten again, and his two conclusions were used by many people as a joke.

Jun Yu didn't have time to take care of it anymore, he also returned to reality, and then rushed to Ye Lanyu's residence, patting her door constantly.

Even Feng Xingying and Qin Mo left in an instant after winning.

Feng Xingying was only responsible for beating, and she was too lazy to help. Anyway, if she didn't act, someone would make a fuss.

Even if Ye Lanyu had resentment, she really couldn't hold back Xingying.

Feng Xingying originally meant to discuss with her a pride that frustrated her. The most important thing was to obtain a game-level certification. Feng Xingying took the reward and was too lazy to pass the test.

Ye Lanyu herself had to make this known to everyone. Since she wanted to win everyone's knowledge and to enjoy the flowers and applause on the blood and tears of her opponents, she all suffered the consequences of the role swap after failure.

Feng Xingying is not a good man, he always has a good face.

Ye Lanyu is hotly debated throughout Qinghuang Town. Negative news about her has followed, including the fact that she went to the same place with Jun Yushi and had ambiguous relationships.

Feng Xingying's expectations were not bad, Ye Lanyu kept retiring Feng Xingying, and Feng Xingying's request for a fair war was also discovered by some people. It was reported that Ye Lanyu tried to use the name of the temple to smuggle and intimidate opponents. Various versions.

As the parties, Ye Lanyu, Feng Xingying and Qin Mo all disappeared and did not respond at all.

One of the best things about Shenhuangyu is that everyone lives in two worlds.

In the real world, they are peaceful and beautiful, with this full autonomy, freedom and equality. Their real life is like a peaceful paradise.

In the network world, they have fully simulated their capabilities, giving them a chance to release their personality, so that everyone can freely pursue what they want, and various disputes, challenges and opportunities continue.

But the moral standard of Shenhuang Realm is that no dispute can affect the real life. They are also used to abide by this standard, do not disturb others, and keep themselves undisturbed.

Even if many people wanted to visit Master Qin Mo, they only dare to make requests in the virtual world and did not dare to disturb Qin Mo.

After completing a chess game, Qin Mo still went to be his teacher, Feng Xingying changed to men's clothes and went to school with Qin Mo.

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