Cold King, the Doctor Fei Is Running Away

Chapter 1200: Fighting Ye Lanyu 5 Again

Biquge, the fastest update of Leng Wang, the medical concubine will elope the latest chapter!

If at the beginning, Jun Yu, Zhao Cai and others were still talking and arguing about each other.

At this moment, everyone was quiet, leaving only two voices circling and entangled.

Qin Mo's heart sank a little.

He didn't know how Feng Xingying did it, to fight against the spirit of the innate realm with patriarchal realms, but he knew that doing so would have to pay a great price.

What others saw was Feng Xingying's splendor, what she heard was the powerful appeal of her tunes, and she was infected by her pride.

Qin Mo's heart was in pain, and what he felt was incomparable heartache. Is his villain desperate? She is really "coming together."

An ironic smile floated on Ye Lanyu's face, and she raised the tone again. Most importantly, her spiritual power was completely absorbed in it. With the voice of spiritual power, killing invisible!

Even if the opponent is a spirit emperor and spirit saint who are also innate, they will be killed by the spiritual power in the piano sound. A young boy in the heavens will lose!

Feng Xingying was already having a hard time sitting gracefully. She was lying prone on the piano without any image. Her actions were difficult but she fluctuated the strings firmly.

Every movement of her will stain the strings with blood.

"Stop! I give in for Xiaoying, stop!" Qin Mo's voice choked.

However, his defeat was not recognized by the system, neither Ye Lanyu nor Feng Xingying prepared to stop.

"Xiaoying, stop now and stop. Is it worth it for a piano test?"

However, no one answered him, only Qin Mo's own voice was echoing. Feng Xingying turned a blind eye. Continue playing forward.

Her ten fingers were all bleeding, and she also stained the bright strings with red blood, which looked particularly enchanting and even more sad.

"It's over." Ye Lanyu dropped the last sound of the harp, with a domineering peace and yes.

Her last syllable also used ten percent of her spiritual power. With the strength of Feng Xingying, there is no way to stop it. I am afraid that he will faint on the spot and cannot continue in the next game.

Although Ye Lanyu occupies the advantage of strong spiritual power, spiritual power is also one of the basic qualities of the individual. It was also an important indicator. However, now that the pathological god-phoenix domain is as strong as a dog, spiritual respect has fallen to this complete level today No one cares.

Unlike Ye Lanyu, the hearts of all listeners are still immersed in fierce confrontation at this moment. They still have expectations for Feng Xingying. They also look forward to this handsome young man in front of him who can write a perfect period for them.

Although this is difficult.

Feng Xingying's fingers can no longer move, and all of them are blood. I am afraid it will be difficult for her to move the strings.

Is that really the end?


Qin Mo couldn't control himself, rushed to the stage and wanted to lift Feng Xingying.

However, the second game is not over yet, Ye Lanyu's reverberation is still echoing. If Feng Xingying does not admit defeat, the shielding will not be revoked.

"Xiaoying." He could only call her name over and over again. He didn't care about the strange look around him. In his eyes, there was only the little **** man on the stage.

Feng Xingying seemed to feel something, raised his head, looked in the direction of Qin Mo, and squeezed out a bright smile.

When she smiled, blood dripped from the corners of her eyes and lips, and even her ears and nose began to bleed.

She was injured and was badly hurt, but she didn't want to give up yet.

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