Cold King, the Doctor Fei Is Running Away

Chapter 1254: Star Shadow Corps, departure 2

Biquge, the fastest update of Leng Wang, the medical concubine will elope the latest chapter!

"The opponent is strong, are you afraid?" Feng Xingying asked loudly.

"Not afraid!"

"Blood battle to the end!" Feng Xingying's sword pointed at the sky.

"Breaking the blood!"

A neat response followed, resounding through the void.

The invisible aura, the magic soldier dare not step forward.

Xiao Jiu's eyes were so bright that he didn't feel that way anymore, he still fought with Feng Xingying!

Because of the presence of Feng Xingying, Xiao Jiu didn't need to think that she was the deputy head of the team and the highest strength of the entire team, so if she took care of her teammates, she could concentrate on the battle.

Xiao Jiu, who is devoted to fighting, has always been the tip of the Star Shadow Corps.

At this time, the morale of the Star Shadow Corps was stimulated to the apex, and what was needed was a vigorous battle.

Feng Xingying's command was also biased toward radicalism.

Once in the command role, Feng Xingying has no acquaintances, friends, newcomers, or old people. People in the legion are treated equally, and they are partners to fight together!

"Earth system, joint defense."

"Water system, scour!"

"one two Three."

"Gold, click to kill."

The tactics used by Feng Xingying this time are flooding and thunder. Set the best fire system aside.

A wave of water attack, the effect is really amazing. It's hard to wash the whole floor again.

If a water-based mystic master does not have much advantage over the demons, even if they cooperate with the thunder system, they can only be in a cooperative role.

After being commanded by Feng Xingying, more than a dozen water system mystic masters and great spiritual masters released big moves together. The floods in the sky are not weaker than the fire department.

On the contrary, the Thunder system was used by Feng Xingying as a point kill, reducing their strength.

The water system raised its eyebrows once in a while.

"The water system is back, wood and fire. The thunder system continues to kill."

"Sea of ​​Fire Tactics!"

"Water system defense, soil system retreat."


"Xia Di beheaded with Xiao Jiu."

After the three systems of water, fire, and soil took turns to compete for power, Xia Di and Xiao Jiu took the rain ring and another new sword repairer to kill the other three humanoids, 309 layers of magic soldiers, Almost declared a crash.

At this time, whether it was the three hundred old people, two hundred new people of the Star Shadow Army, or Tao Xingzhou and Jin Feng, the eyes looking at Feng Xingying were full of fiery.

They did not urge and ask, they just waited quietly for Feng Xingying's next order.

"Today, the gold department did not play, Brother Tao, you took them to smooth out the sins. Du Shushu, you picked one hundred from the rest and walked from the other side. After half an hour, no matter whether it was effective or not, they all joined the stairs . "

"Okay." After seeing Feng Xingying's command mode, Tao Xingzhou profoundly understood that not only coordination and the mystery of formation are important, but the command is more important.

In Feng Xingying's hands, the strength of these five hundred people at least doubled compared to yesterday.

Tao Xingzhou has long been hot and wants to try his commanding ability.

However, the simple command in Feng Xingying's mouth was not so smooth when it came to Tao Xingzhou.

Fortunately, the demons have been frightened, and everyone in the gold department has not made much effort today.

It was just that Tao Xingzhou had completed a skirmish in a good team battle.

In comparison, Du Shushu's performance is much better, he is also a character of Zhiduo Jinyu.

From Feng Xingying's command mode today, he understands that Feng Xingying intends to accept the two hundred people, so in order to help the newcomers integrate, Du Shushu chose a mode of ten old people and seventy new people.

Prior to Feng Xingying's return, Du Shushu was the commander of the Xingying Army. There was no problem in terms of public opinion and command, and the road of people's hearts was smooth.

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