Cold King, the Doctor Fei Is Running Away

Chapter 1270: Open Road with Greening 1

Biquge, the fastest update of Leng Wang, the medical concubine will elope the latest chapter!

"Feng Shimei, what do you think of the future?" Tao Xingzhou and Feng Shuying, Du Shushu, Xiao Jiu, Lei Jue, Feng Yuhuan and others found Feng Xingying together.

Feng Xingying pretended not to know, and responded chicly: "Which way? I plan to refresh the alchemy and refinery, and the army will be handed to you. I believe that without me, you can train the army into an iron rider."

"I'm in trouble now." Xiao Jiu was still impatient and couldn't hold his breath.

"In case of difficulties, let's find a solution together. I won't care what method you use."


Boss, you're chatting to death.

Still, Tao Xingzhou's cheek is thick enough, or he has a spirit of sacrifice.

"There are problems that cannot be solved now."

"What do you want me to do?"


Boss, you're dying again!

Tao Xingzhou forcibly resisted the urge to run away, and resignedly told Feng Xingying:

"The magic soldiers in front are very cunning. They should be afraid of our team and refuse to get together. We will run after them to catch up. Now they can't even send someone to attract them.

We thought about whether to let everyone spread the trials, but now when the legion is in the fusion phase, if it is dispersed, the trial effect will not be achieved.

But if we train like this all day without strangling the magic soldier, we won't get the trial effect in the Wan Mo Tower. "

"So?" Feng Xingying blinked and said, "Do you plan to learn alchemy or alchemy with me all? Or let the King of Cold teach you charms?"

"No ..." Tao Xingzhou was almost crying by Feng Xingying.

"Xing Ying, look at me as a family member and help him." Feng Yuhuan really sympathized with Tao Xingzhou and couldn't help asking him for lightness.

"You are a family member, and he is not."

"I am a man, of course he is!" Feng Yuhuan immediately ignored the possibility of being mocked by Feng Xingying.

"Okay, let me help you!" Feng Xingying satisfies the little gossip desire, and immediately surrenders the countermeasures:

"Ruta will arrange enchanting trees to plant. Your task is to listen to Ruxiang's instructions, help her plant trees together, and then send someone to stay outside the enchantment. There will be offenses from the demons, and they will always win!

"Plant a tree?" Everyone was dumbfounded.

But dumbfounded is useless. Feng Xingying has always shaken the shopkeeper. She has now withdrawn into the space, and no one can find her!

Ruta, watermelon, sesame and Xiao Ding groaned in a storage bag.

"Brother Tao, let the wood spirits come to help clean it up. Well, the soil system will help me turn the ground. The water system helps water.

Xiao Ding will sow, I will arrange the formation method, right, everyone will give me the extra magic core. "Ruxiang is really welcome.

Although Tao Xingzhou did not understand what Feng Xingying wanted to do, Ruxiang had already begun to act. They were idle and idle, and they wanted to help her anyway.

It was Du Shushu's mental aura. He set up a spiritual gathering in Ruxiang to ripen a large area of ​​trees and weeds, and after the original wilderness became an oasis, he understood and immediately sent someone to guard the periphery.

Xiao Jiu did not understand anyway, she was also eating one, and she only gave Ruxiang a suggestion:

"It's a pity to grow weeds in such a large oasis. We might as well grow some rice, fruits and vegetables?"

"Beautiful sister, you hug me, I will help you plant." Xiaoding said so.

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