Cold King, the Doctor Fei Is Running Away

Chapter 1279: Allies are terrible than the enemy 1

Biquge, the fastest update of Leng Wang, the medical concubine will elope the latest chapter!

"Nursing short? How can I compare to Xuanyuan Hao compared to shorting? Xuanyuan Cheng is your brother, and Ruxiang is still my sister.

Do you think I'm Feng Xingying dead? Can my sister be bullied casually?

You indulge your brother to harass Ruta by tough means, is it right? Really thought that the five hundred members of our Star Shadow Army could not be displayed? "

With the violent weather created by the Star Shadow Corps, Feng Xingying did not need to release her momentum at all, she just stood there and looked at Xuan Yuanhao ironically.

It is an insult to a sword emperor to be forced into the downwind in momentum. Xuan Yuanhao feels bad.

Especially when Feng Xingying was in his early days for Ruta, his feeling was even more weird.

But when he thought of Xuan Yuancheng's tragic death, he was not reconciled.

Although Xuan Yuancheng was wayward, he was his only brother. After all, Xuan Yuancheng's last look was to ask him to preside over justice for him.

Although he said nothing, the tacit understanding between the brothers is still there.

Xuanyuan Hao nodded, so Xuanyuan sincerely rest assured.

If Xuan Yuancheng didn't die, because he harassed Ruxiang, even if he apologized and beat him in public, Xuan Yuanhao could do it.

But as the saying goes, the dead is big. In Xuan Yuanhao's view, his brother's death is a great event.

So even if Feng Xingying comes forward, even if he wants to tear his face with Xingying Legion, Xuan Yuanhao still insists:

"My brother is the Emperor Ling and Xiu Zong. He is now more than 300 layers. He can slay the magic soldiers on the whole floor by himself. It is impossible to die so easily.

So some things, I still want to ask clearly. "

Feng Xingying chuckled out loud:

"You have something to ask Ruxiang, then in front of me. But if you want to, ask again.

I don't want to turn over the dead old account, but if you insist, I don't mind being with you to the end.

Question? ridiculous! I also want to ask Xuanyuan Cheng, what does it mean that one of his martial arts used my rue strong? "

"Feng Xingying, you don't have evidence to stop spitting blood in your mouth!" A tall man behind Xuanyuan Hao spoke first.

"Spouting blood? Xuanyuan Hao, do you think so?

Thanks to the fact that I used to think that you were a bright and clear person, I did not expect that, alas, your team specializes in the best. It seems that the fundamental problem lies in the pampering of your captain. Feng Xingying would not let it go.

"What about my team, it doesn't seem like you need to be in charge."

"But I have a bad temper and are short-lived. Whoever dares to move my legion, I will never die with him. Xuanyuan Hao, you have no ability to control your own people, what qualifications do you have?

It's a pity that Xuanyuan Cheng is dead. If he hadn't died, I wouldn't mind sending him home in person. "

On the argument of words, would Feng Xingying be afraid of Xuan Yuanhao?

She doesn't fight every day, it doesn't mean she won't.

Xuan Yuancheng's affairs are just the beginning. Feng Xingying believes that such things will still happen in the future. After the Star Shadow Army is sufficiently cruel to the demons, the biggest problem is that it treats its allies too much and treats them all too kindly.

Feng Xingying is about to fall out today, that is, everyone in the Star Shadow Corps should take a look at what their allies are.

The atmosphere between Feng Xingying and Xuan Yuanhao stagnated for a while, and the direct consequence was the confrontation between Xingying Army and Xuan Yuanhao breaking the magic group.

Xuan Yuanhao has less than a hundred people, but their strength is generally above the Star Shadow Corps. Among them, there are three of them in Xiantianjing.

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