Cold King, the Doctor Fei Is Running Away

Chapter 1396: He wants to have a baby with you

Biquge, the fastest update of Leng Wang, the medical concubine will elope the latest chapter!

"It's up to you." Feng Xingying is too lazy to tell such a person, because you don't expect to reason with him at all, they will not reason at all, they will only admit death.

Speaking of this young man, she looks very young, she is still pure, she is elegant, she has respect for Feng Xingying, and she doesn't surpass it at all.

After Feng Xingying said to promote cooperation, he also offered to use all the power of Tianji Pavilion to help Feng Xingying.

Such a man is perfect.

However, Feng Xingying always felt that there was something wrong with this maggot, and he did not like him subjectively.

Qin Molin naturally did not like him!

"All the little white faces that hit my home star's idea can go to hell."

"He didn't think of me again." Feng Xingying cried without tears.

"He wants to have a child with you." Qin Molin said straightforwardly: "Hum, I don't know where the dog courage and self-confidence come from. I don't want to let you have a child so early, he'll remember it."

"Do you think everyone in the world is lascivious?" Feng Xingying reluctantly hammered Qin Molin.

"He is not lascivious, even if you are ugly to become a sow, he is willing." Qin Molin's expression is very bad: "Because all he likes is your blood."

Although Feng Xingying doesn't like Tianjizi too much, he feels that this person is overconfident with confidence. There is a strong narcissistic feeling that I have come to find you, and you don't like that I am your loss, but I don't think Qin Molin said that That kind.

"You don't know the dirty things of Tianjige." Qin Molin shook his head and began to talk to Feng Xingying about the history of this Tianjige.

As a large branch under the gate of Shenhuang Island, Tianjige has developed very well over the years, but whether Tianjige can spy on Tianji is different.

According to Qin Molin, "They can! Because they stole the power of the Shenhuang tribe's foresight."

Speaking of which is a long and complicated process, there is only one way to steal the ability of the protoss: the inheritance of Zizi.

The Shenhuang tribe is a strange race that values ​​women over men.

So after a certain son of the Phoenix family who had the power of foresight gave birth to a son, this son inherited part of the power of foresight and created the Tianji Pavilion.

And in order to pass this ability on to his descendants, the founder of this extremely clever Tianji Pavilion thought of the method of blood vein extraction, and used extreme methods to extract the predictive ability inherited from his blood vein, forcibly. Into future generations.

This method allowed Tianjige to maintain the glory of several generations. But it will not last long, because this artificial method will only exhaust this kind of blood power from generation to generation.

Therefore, the descendants of Tianjige hit their minds on the inexorable Shenhuang tribe. They only stared at the awakened bloodlines with the pre-surgery of God. As long as they gave birth to a son, she could continue this bloodline, and even Play a strengthening role.

The Shenhuang clan has always paid little attention to the baby boy. It is also common for the baby boy to be taken home by the man to inherit the family business. This has led to the success of Tianjige.

Today, at least three saints unknowingly gave birth to children, all of them baby boys.

Qin Molin even suspected that Tongtiange had mastered some strange medical skills that could only give birth to men and not women.

Feng Xingying should be the fourth person they are following, or the fifth.

This genius's ability to foresee is already very strong. If he has a son with Feng Xingying, and then transfers his internal abilities to the child, that child will become a terrible existence beyond the protoss.

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