Cold King, the Doctor Fei Is Running Away

Chapter 1439: Murong Bai's Perseverance 1

Biquge, the fastest update of Leng Wang, the medical concubine will elope the latest chapter!

Ye Nian is a gentle mother. She knows that she can basically break through the realm. This matter must be handed to Feng Xingying.

She wanted to take care of the children who gave birth to the Shenhuang clan, not to mention that she really wanted her own child.

Feng Xingying has grown up and is not cute. She wants a few pink dumplings like Cheng Liandie under her knees.

Ye Nian finally willing to call on the guard to sleep, which was a great joy in the temple, and the atmosphere of the entire temple was driven a little warm.

However, Ye Nian originally had only seventy or so saints, of which more than twenty were added after worshiping Feng Xingying. Now that the remaining vacancies, someone began to want to come in with a sharp head.

Feng Xingying showed her strong personality again, and mercilessly threw out a sentence:

"The Holy Guard does not recruit anyone today! No one is accepted! Who dares to mention this matter again? Don't blame me for being ruthless."

Although Feng Xingying's name is a saint, he is a little devil-level character in the hearts of everyone in the temple. No one can offend Feng Xingying.

In particular, Feng Xingying found two Tianji Pavilion people from those Saints, and made Feng Xingying angry.

On the extreme of her daughter's control of her mother, everyone who Ye Nian wants to recruit to be a compliment must go to Feng Xingying to report in advance and be checked by Feng Xingying.

Feng Xingying is a really ruthless little devil. Do n’t have emotional entanglements, do n’t want to check your private life, do n’t want to be sick. If God's preoperative technique is used, it may harm Ye Nian, don't.

The people in the temple at the previous points will do regular inspections, and those who can stay in the Holy Guard will basically have no problems.

Feng Xingying was afraid that someone would cheat on her for personal gain, and then investigated again to achieve excellence, not to mention Feng Xingying and Ye Jingning's apprentice to do this.

As for the divine prediction, the use of the divine prediction for ordinary people will not hurt the origin of Feng Xingying. If there are no treacherous and weird people, Feng Xingying's power cannot be consumed at all.

But if you encounter a real spy, even if you use more magical power, Feng Xingying will knock him out!

When Feng Xingying was five years old, Ye Nian entered the Divine Phoenix Realm separately from her husband and daughter.

Now Feng Xingying is twenty-one years old, Ye Nian has endured lonely years of nearly 6,000 years. Before recovering Feng Xingying, she misses her daughter and her dead husband every day.

The 6,000-year wait and loneliness, at the age of a flower, had long tortured her with scars.

Now that her daughter is found, Ye Nian finally relaxes.

She was lonely for six thousand years, and some people kept her silently for six thousand years.

If you say that Feng Tianyi's love to her is the throbbing and moth-like desperate love in her youth.

The love Murongbai gave her was the companionship of each other and guarding without regrets. With his shoulders, she always built a strong fortress for her.

Ye Nian's willingness to recruit Shengwei to sleep in the palace was largely due to Murong Bai.

However, Ye Nian's mentality has also changed a lot. She can now regard herself as the sacred maiden of the God Phoenix, and she will not let her feelings crack, so she will not put her heart on a man.

To compensate Murong Bai, after a long absence, the first man he met was Murong Bai.

"Murong Bai, if I do n’t know anything in my life, will you stay with me forever?" Ye Nian asked. The soft pearl illuminated the dormitory at night softly, and Ye Nian under the light was beautiful and gentle. Shy.

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