Cold King, the Doctor Fei Is Running Away

Chapter 1445: Ye Lingxin's Notes 2

Biquge, the fastest update of Leng Wang, the medical concubine will elope the latest chapter!

ps: I seem to have missed a chapter, but the chapter number is wrong, the content is not broken, shouldn't there be a Virgo?


Ye Lingxin masters network and energy technology, and her magic skills are also divine pre-surgeries. At the same time, she also awakens one of the most unlikely awakenings in the spirit—the attribute of time!

It was precisely because Ye Lingxin awakened the time attribute that she used the time tunnel to pass her former boyfriend Yun Yuntian from a different time and space.

But Yun Yuntian controls powerful medical techniques, such as gene extraction and genetic modification.

The combination of these two lunatics was a catastrophic breakthrough in the Yunxi continent at the time.

Later, Ye Lingxin did give birth to a son to Yun Yuntian. After the child was forcibly taken away by Yun Yuntian, Ye Lingxin wrote a note in his note:

"I never thought that a person could become so selfish and ruthless. He said that tiger poison is not a child. He is willing to bear his own children. He is no longer the **** brother I know.

The last thing I regret in my life is that I believe in love too much. I should not believe in my own God's prediction. I should not use the power that God has given me.

The punishment that God has given me is that I can't get out of my heart's suffering in my life. This is what I deserve.

But god, why don't you take away Yun Yuntian? How many people do you want him to harm? "

In these words, Feng Xingying could not understand.

According to the secrets about Tianji Pavilion collected by Tongtian Pavilion, the first owner of Tianji Pavilion is Yun Yuntian. This person is extremely clever and true. This person combined with Ye Lingxin, the most powerful virgin of the Phoenix family, and gave birth to a child It's true.

Just according to rumors, Yun Yuntian should not be a selfish person, but a person who is willing to sacrifice everything for future generations.

He should have passed down a set of gene extraction methods, and finally extracted both his and his son's genes to his descendants and passed it on from generation to generation. This was the development of Tianji Pavilion.

But Ye Lingxin also said that he was "selfish and cruel", and the reason why Ye Lingxin broke off with Yun Yuntian was probably because of their children.

So, maybe the information collected by Tongtiange is also wrong? At least misguided?

So Ye Lingxin died, what about Yuntian? If he is not an unselfish person and has not extracted his fine genes to future generations, what about others?

Has Yun Yuntian succeeded in breaking the void? Then what are the offspring of his descendants to have increasingly powerful capabilities?

In particular, Xun Tianji, when he met him, Feng Xingying felt scared. This person seemed to have a perspective and could see every thought in the heart.

Even though Feng Xingying has a certain degree of confidence, he still feels uncomfortable with strange characters like Shangqi Tianji. But when he doesn't lock you up, he can make people ignore him unconsciously.

Feng Xingying couldn't understand, even if there is a genetic change, how can a family be so stable, and every generation can have a heir to every day? Is it a clone?

If it is according to Ye Lingxin's ability standard, if she does not break the void and does not fill the seal of the gate of the demon world, with her ability and unlimited life, it is not a problem to remain young and beautiful until now.

By analogy, Yun Yuntian can make Ye Ling mindful to each other, and it must be an extremely powerful existence. Ye Lingxin said that he is selfish, and selfish people tend to live longer.

According to this bold assumption, it is very likely that Yun Yuntian is alive!

It is terrifying to think carefully, but there is no evidence. Feng Xingying dare not make a conclusion too soon.

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