Cold King, the Doctor Fei Is Running Away

Chapter 1456: Nirvana Robbery 1

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Ye Jingning had always been on the periphery. He knew that Feng Xingying had died a lifetime.

Because a person like a master is so powerful that he is beyond his life and death, always budgeting his own danger.

As long as she doesn't want to, no one can let her die. This feeling of pride has always filled Ye Jingning's chest.

Only this time, Ye Jingning learned another sentence from his master: "Sometimes, people have to face danger or even death. Because there are many things more important than life and death. You will understand when you grow up."

This is what Feng Xingying said to Ye Jingning before departure.

However, Ye Jingning told Feng Xingying: "I have grown up, I am seventeen years old, and I have something more important than life, that is, the master. If it is for the master, even if he knows that he will die, Jing Ning will not frown. "

"Good boy." Feng Xingying patted Ye Jingning's shoulder comfortably, and explained: "If I was seriously injured, the master will rely on you. Don't send me back to the temple, but send me Hidden secretly. If I die, you will set me on fire and don't let anyone know. Especially Ye Nian and Qin Molin. "

"Master, I understand. The master is the protoss, the physical flesh of the protoss, and it is a magic drug to many greedy people. I will not let the master fall into the wrong hands. I will guard the master myself."

Ye Jingning's words were flawed. He just understood but did not agree. If Feng Xingying died, he would not burn her, but would guard her body in person.

In this area, Ye Jingning has always been restless. He is also the Xeon, and he can feel the threat of this space to him. But the life and death of Feng Xingying is obviously more important than the things he dreads.

Until that time, Ye Jingning's heart was mentioned in his throat.

Fortunately, Li Huangjian in his hand suddenly flashed a red ray.

He only remembered what Feng Xingying had said. If Li Fengjian flashed the light, he would be enclosed by Feng Xingying, and he would leave nothing behind, only one word-escape!

Ye Jingning remembered Feng Xingying's words, and kept accelerating to flee.

Fortunately, Feng Xingying always has strict requirements on his disciples. Ye Jingning is also a conscious and self-improving person. His strength and speed are equally astonishing. Even in this forbidden field, he can rely on his amazing speed. withdraw.

Feng Xingying really did not miss anything, Ye Jingning became the only living room for her to survive, and he did.

After Ye Jingning left the small island, he did not dare to turn back. He got on the flying boat for the first time and flew far away.

At this time Feng Xingying still had some remaining consciousness, sending himself out of the Phoenix Sword.

It is just that the situation of Feng Xingying is really terrible. There is no complete body and body, and there is some destructive energy, which is still destroying Feng Xingying's body.

Feng Xingying also has a golden light barrier on her body to protect her constantly.

"Jing Ning, find an island and stop. Break this barrier for me!"

"But, Master."

"This is an order! Before I die, do you want to be disobedient?"

"I listen to you!" At this point Feizhou had been flying for half an hour, at least three cities away from the island in which the accident occurred, and he would find a place to stop and he would not be found.

Ye Jingning carefully probed a deserted island in front of him and landed on it.

Feng Xingying also ordered: "Quickly, use Lihuang sword to cut it off."

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