Cold King, the Doctor Fei Is Running Away

Chapter 1507: Take back what belongs to me

Biquge, the fastest update of Leng Wang, the medical concubine will elope the latest chapter!

The return of the legendary Feng Xingying means two things.

The unconvinced newcomer can finally see Feng Xingying. Another big thing is that the Star Shadow Corps can be expanded.

Expansion of the Star Shadow Corps has always been in preparation. Now there are 3,000 reserve members, but none of them have officially joined the Star Shadow Corps, and there is even no chance to participate together.

Because the people of Xingying Corps have the same hearts and beliefs, the vast Yunxi continent only recognizes Xingying, and even Qin Molin cannot command them.

Therefore, new members must join the approval of Feng Xingying. If there were no words from Feng Xingying, they would rather die and reduce the number of people to several people one by one, without changing the principle.

This demon-like faith is the biggest difference between the Star Shadow Corps and other legions.

Feng Xingying is back, and the most excited is everyone in the Xingying Legion. Someone said Feng Xingying was dead, they never believed it.

Feng Xingying is so powerful, how could he die?


Feng Xingying is a person who likes to be efficient. After confirming the lecture with Dean Tao, Tao Xingzhou prevented the lecture from being arranged until one week later, and this week, she still had to worry about going back to Shenhuangyu.

One day outside, Shenhuangyu takes years, and Feng Xingying stays for a day, which is one year.

Although Feng Xingying still ignored Qin Molin, Qin Molin was in a good mood to accompany her, and lowered her posture to a lower level, which was more useful than the words of apology.

Qin Molin also asked Feng Xingying curiously: "I went to Shenhuang Realm before and saw someone who looks exactly like you and has the same breath."

"Well, I asked An Liandie to help me appear once in a while."

"Oh ..." Qin Molin couldn't help but laugh out loud: "I'm afraid you can't clean up this mess."

"Huh?" Feng Xingying just felt that Qin Molin's words were a bit strange, and he didn't know how difficult it was to clean up.

When Feng Xingying returned to Shenhuang Realm, under the suggestion of Qin Molin, he did not reveal his deity, but secretly lurked around the temple on the grounds of inspecting the people.

The operation of the temple was normal, and Feng Xingying was not worried. Her mother, Ye Nian, has basically stabilized recently, but she hasn't become pregnant again. She seems to have given up her plan to have another child.

And Anlian butterfly, it really is a bit weird.

When Feng Xingying personally saw An Liandie dressed up as her appearance in front of Ye Jingning, both of them took off their clothes, Feng Xingying couldn't help showing up.

"I'll take back my things." Feng Xingying walked coldly to the front of the sluggish An Lian Die, and took away a drop of blood from her body that belonged to her Feng Xing Ying. After the mask was destroyed, it disappeared again.

No one needs to tell her, Feng Xingying also knows what An Liandie has done with her identity. This kind of embarrassment and depression make her feel uncomfortable.

Qin Molin embraced Feng Xingying's waist and took her into his space.

This time Feng Xingying obeyed without resistance.

"You don't want to see how they solve it?" Qin Molin asked Feng Xingying curiously.

"No," Feng Xingying shook his head. "They are all grown up and should be responsible for their actions."

"I'm sorry." Qin Molin said suddenly: "I should also be responsible for my actions. I shouldn't trust you, and I shouldn't restrain you or force you.

If I have more patience with Ye Ying, your heart will always be mine.

It's just that I don't have enough confidence in myself and in you, and I won't. "

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