Cold King, the Doctor Fei Is Running Away

Chapter 1511: The head is very willful

Biquge, the fastest update of Leng Wang, the medical concubine will elope the latest chapter!

Feng Xingying instructs and cooperates with the formation method at the Xiuling Academy. In my spare time, I personally interview the reserve members of each Star Shadow Corps.

Feng Xingying's assessment is very simple. Let them be grouped in groups of five. After that, one thousand people will be randomly selected to start a one-on-one competition. Only half of the winners will have the opportunity to enter the next round.

In this way, a thousand people were divided into twenty groups. When the remaining ten groups were eliminated, the madman Feng Xingying said only two words:

"carry on."

What does continue mean?

To continue means to continue to eliminate, and the remaining ten groups resist each other.

Du Shushu, Xiao Jiu, and Jin Feng, the deputy heads of the Xingying Army, organized the incident.

And their head Feng Xingying, the old **** is enjoying the food with her rabbit pet and beauties in the ground.

No one is so unreliable!

Five groups won, and Feng Xingying fluttered in a group:

"This group accompanied me to watch the battle, and the others continued."

Four groups, continue, win and lose points.

High-intensity continuous battles squeeze all their endurance, but no one wants to give up to the last person.

After the end of the event, as expected, Feng Xingying said two more words:

"carry on."

And this time, it really took the first place.

But is the Star Shadow Army recruiting only five or ten? No one knew what Feng Xingying was going to do.

This mad woman didn't play enough, pointing at the ten groups that were eliminated first, saying, "Give them another chance, and continue, until the winner is decided."

It seems that Feng Xingying has no interest in who wins or loses, just to watch a lively event? Want them to fight each other?

In any case, Feng Xingying is the head of the Xingying Legion. Who can enter in the end, or she has the final say. She has set such a rule and they can only obey obediently.

Some people have complaints, and they can only talk about it, and they can't treat Feng Xingying.

Then, the chaotic battle of attack continued.

In this process, some people are still hopeful, some people are desperate; some people have the same faith, and some people always feel that Feng Xingying is crazy. Some people have no intention to deal with errands, others are meticulous to fight for themselves and for the team.

No matter what they think, no matter what, no one is willing to give up this opportunity.

Everything is in perfect control of Feng Xingying.

The five people accompanied Feng Xingying up close, but wisely didn't ask a question.

They can see a picture in Feng Xingying's hands, draw a little bit of it, and talk to Tao Xingzhou.

Although Feng Xingying has been enjoying the fruit feeding of her daughter-in-law Ruxiang, she never stops. Busy with Feng Xingying, there is another beautiful and noble woman who heard that she is a spirit beast.

This assessment is described in one word: chaos!

In the beginning, Feng Xingying arranged the battle. Later, when she was impatient, she sent a task to Du Shushu: arrange it yourself, and no one should be idle.

Even, Feng Xingying desperately let the 1,000 newcomers have a duel with a ten-person elite group randomly selected by the Star Shadow Corps. As a result, their number failed to make up for the gap in strength and cooperation. Doubt life.

By nightfall, Feng Xingying had not yet tossed enough.

At this point in the eyes of the newcomer, this female head is definitely a demon!

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