Cold King, the Doctor Fei Is Running Away

Chapter 1545: Give you a group of children

Biquge, the fastest update of Leng Wang, the medical concubine will elope the latest chapter!

He taught them cooking, a curious culinary art dedicated to Feng Xingying's world.

Qin Molin unearthed all Manhan seats, Western food, Italian food, and various special cooking methods.

Qin Molin is no longer cooking in her own space. Instead, she is in Fengxingying Space, because every time she cooks a new trick, she has to call these three women to learn.

Qin Molin was able to teach them so patiently and with a little selfishness. If he wasn't there, his Feng Xingying would not be hungry.

After eating, Qin Molin will pull Feng Xingying to play various buildings.

In Qin Molin's space, several splendid castles have been added at this time. They are all high-end castles built according to Feng Xingying's memory. The most beautiful is the Chinese-style royal garden.

Unfortunately, Feng Xingying is not a computer. After all, she doesn't remember exactly what happened in the castle, so Qin Molin's support for her can only be a semi-finished product.

The only thing that Qin Molin perfected was this royal garden. Anyway, I ca n’t remember anything, it ’s right to refer to the Dali country. These two styles are very close.

It's just that the royal garden in Feng Xingying's memory is more gorgeous than the royal garden in Dali, which is the essence of Chinese civilization.

Unfortunately, Feng Xingying just walked across the field to the Royal Garden, and visited the scenery. She had to sleep every day, and it was still their cabin.

The house is not big, just live comfortably. Qin Molin is the type who can't wait to collect all the good things in the world to Feng Xingying.

Obviously, Feng Xingying doesn't feel much about these things. It is better to switch to Lingjing. Her daily operation from Phoenix Sword Space needs Lingjing. Although she is rich in Lingjing, she also lacks Lingjing.

As a result of thinking about energy, Feng Xingying always felt that her appetite for the Phoenix Sword space was not a long-term solution. Now Yunxi Continent and Shenhuang Realm are rich in Lingjing, and she can provide this space.

But what if the phantom crystal dried up one day? Or went to another continent without a crystal? Isn't her space away from Phoenix Sword?

For this reason Feng Xingying also asked Lizhuang Tianzun, but why, her elderly never thought about this problem. They only said, "The Lingjing stored in your space is enough to run for millions of years. What are you afraid of?

If you're afraid, search for Lingjing again, I don't mind. "

This seems to be not a problem at all.

Tomorrow night, Qin Molin and Feng Xingying snuggled up and sat by the river watching the full bloom of lotuses in the pond.

Above their heads, the two stars turned and attracted each other, spinning and dancing, like two naive children, flying happily together.

Feng Xingying drank a bit of wine, his head was a little dizzy, he laughed more innocently, less calm and calm.

"Qin Molin, let's live in seclusion, we won't go out for a lifetime, we will live here every day, no one can find us, I will give you a group of lovely children."

"Okay, we're lingering every day. For you, the king will not be okay from now on?" Qin Molin laughed out loud.

Feng Xingying's heart was completely unprepared at this time, and what she said was naturally sincere.

In terms of his identity, Qin Molin now dominates the entire Yunxi continent. He is also regarded as the master of the Yunxi continent, which is much more honorable than the emperor of the general kingdom.

This term is also appropriate.

Feng Xingying at this time, because drinking a little confused, people are more bold, actually took the initiative to touch Qin Molin's face.

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