Cold King, the Doctor Fei Is Running Away

Chapter 1572: Where is the princess

Biquge, the fastest update of Leng Wang, the medical concubine will elope the latest chapter!

If it was before then, Feng Xingying would sit on the mountain watching tigers and fight to see their development.

But thinking of Ye Nian's sacrifice for her, Feng Xingying still couldn't let Murong Wenxuan be okay, otherwise she would be so sorry for Ye Nian.

"Qin Molin, wait here, I'm going to the place of cursing."

"I stay with you."

"You are not allowed to go! You are the owner of Tsutenkaku, what should you do if you leave Tsutenkaku?"

"Don't worry, they can't treat me like that. Since the cursed land is so lively, of course, we need to share a cup of tea at Tongtian Pavilion."

"I think about it again." Feng Xingying bluntly told him where he was, just because Qin Molin was worried.

The cursable land forbids all spiritual power, and she in turn fears Qin Molin.

Qin Molin said that regardless of Feng Xingying, in the end he couldn't hold the poor little cat's poor eyes, and made her her favorite grilled fish.

In order to prevent Qin Molin's sexual aggression, Feng Xingying ran out of his space after eating and drinking, and the business was delayed!

On the other side, the Imperial City of Dali.

Thousands of young girls gathered together for a fight, it was truly spectacular.

Who let the emperor of the Dali calendar have never chosen a concubine for ten years?

Concubine selection is a succession for the royal family, but an opportunity for the ministers, so which minister does not have a few beautiful and versatile daughters and daughters of the clan, in order to wait for this opportunity.

After ten years, finally, some beautiful beauties have passed their best years and are forcibly married, and a new batch of beauties have matured.

Thousands have only been contributed by officials and have not been selected from the public.

Who knew that the first sentence that the housekeeper came out and said with a dumb throat was a puddle of cold water:

"The princess said, her Majesty's concubine is going to accompany her Majesty to the old, please come back if you have no awakening spirit."

This step really rushed back to Jiucheng people.

After all, the spiritual person is not so easy to awaken. Even if there is a way to awaken in the Tiantian Pavilion, but the awakening is to join the Tiantian Pavilion branch or the Second Court, and it is no longer connected with the earthly world, and it is impossible to choose a consort.

There really aren't many that can stay spiritual.

Less than a hundred people were brought into the palace, and they saw His Majesty sitting high up in the distance, but refused to pass them on.

Why is this?

A lively woman asked her housekeeper to find out that Her Majesty's choice of concubine this time was to help the Princess, and the Princess didn't come today, so they had to wait.

"What if the long princess doesn't show up? Do we all have to wait for a long princess? Why haven't I heard that we have a long princess in Dali?" Someone complained.

However, Nangong Zhuo answered her personally: "If the long princess does not come, you will always wait. If you are in no hurry, you will go home. No one in the imperial palace will disrespect the long princess."

As soon as Nangong Zhuo's words fell, a housekeeper was called out, forcing the woman who had complained before to forcibly go out.

This is also considered to be too much for her to lose.

The girl dared to rise, naturally because of her identity, but she was Lei Pingping, the daughter of General Zhao Lei.

Lei Pingping's heart was on fire, and she was the best among all women, both in appearance and spirituality. Her target was the queen, but she was forcibly evicted because of a sentence, or in such a disgraceful manner.

"Father, it's not strange to say that our Majesty is obviously the son of His Royal Highness King. Without brothers and sisters, the emperor's daughter is also dead, long-distance marriage, where is the long princess?"

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