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Maybe Wen Gongzi really felt heartache for too long, suppressed for too long, and suddenly he was able to relax and think of his friendship with An Liandie to Qin Ying.

Feng Xingying became a quiet listener, and accompanied him to a drink from time to time.

Their sisters and brothers rarely seem to be so tacit.

Feng Xingying remembered her time with her brother when she was Ye Ying, with Qin Molin, Murong Wenxuan and An Liandie.

At that time, she was young. Both Murong Wenxuan and An Liandie called her sister Xiaoying. It was not like respect for her sister, but for the care of classmates and sister.

That worry-free time was the best memory of Murong Wenxuan, and it was once a different life experience in Feng Xingying's mind.

For this reason, Feng Xingying was a little dodging Murong Wenxuan, because she was a bit unable to treat him as a younger brother.

Instead, Murong Wenxuan has always admired her sister because of Feng Xingying's temperament and historical achievements.

But after worshiping more, their relationship is like teachers and students, not like their peers.

Feng Xingying used to think her brother was too bland and not as good as her apprentice Ye Jingning. She would excite and let Murong Wenxuan do before, hoping that he would grow up.

Now think about it, she didn't know enough about the strength of her brother. The two sisters and brothers always communicate too little.

She finally knew why Murong Wenxuan was willing to talk to her stranger about wine.

Because Murong Wenxuan is very clever and not stupid than her disciple Ye Jingning. Therefore, he may have guessed that Qin Ying is his sister.

But Wen Gongzi didn't say broken, Qin Ying didn't say broken.

They are now getting along with this delicate relationship of confidantes.

"Qin Gongzi, what do you think?" Feng Xingying asked.

"Elder Qin has always been good at inquiring information. You may already know that Qin Gongzi has betrayed." Murong Wenxuan sighed.

"You know that?" Feng Xingying was surprised, not that the move was a pride for Yun Yuntian, but Feng Xingying heard it from the mouth of Yun Yuntian's most trusted vice general.

And Li Yuntian's deputy was really alert, the women who had accompanied him would be killed by him, and the dead would not reveal the secret. Feng Xingying could not have heard this terrible news if he hadn't overheard it with his consciousness.

Ji Yuntian took Ji Yuelan and Ling Chuxue as bait. He wanted to negotiate with Qin Gongzi to reach an agreement for a common haven son. When Wen Gong died, he would return the two women to Qin Hao.

This kind of thing is really the customary means of Yun Yuntian.

However, he underestimated Qin Hao's IQ.

"It was Qin Hao who told me in person that he couldn't help but temporarily agree to Yun Yuntian's request, otherwise his mother and woman would be killed.

However, Qin Hao did not believe in Yun Yuntian. We had made an appointment. Some of his people would help me in battle, and he would avoid that battle himself. "

"People under him? Isn't Qin Liu?" Feng Xingying suddenly had a hint of understanding.


"Oh, you are doing your best." Feng Xingying shook his head: "Qin Liu has been from Ji Yuelan all the time, and Ji Yuelan has really helped Yun Yuntian. So Qin Liu will never fail!"

"How is this possible?" Murong Wenxuan froze, and then after thinking about a middle joint, he laughed:

"Yes, Yun Yuntian is best at trying to figure out people's hearts. How can I not guess that Qin Hao will not really believe him? It turns out that he will have to do it. Elder Qin can take countermeasures?"

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