Cold King, the Doctor Fei Is Running Away

Chapter 1652: A vigorous pair

Biquge, the fastest update of Leng Wang, the medical concubine will elope the latest chapter!

Qiu Yingqi couldn't explain why, so he could only continue to talk about it.

Because of this, Ji Yun and Ye Lingxin were destined not to be together, but they met and admired each other. After that, they were also a vigorous pair on the mainland.

They are also wonderful, since they can't love each other, they simply make a fierce pair!

Moreover, the two also have their own lovers' groups, and each time they start a war, they are weird.

It is said that when Emperor Ji Yun saw Ye Lingxin for the first time, when Ye Lingxin was injured, he thought she was an amateur, took her back to her palace, and was going to seal her as queen.

At that time, Ye Lingxin also fell in love with Emperor Ji Yun, the courageous woman of the Shenhuang tribe, who made an amazing decision not to return to the Shenhuang tribe and accompany Ji Yun.

Just the night before their wedding, they didn't know what happened. Ye Lingxin and Ji Yun fought. Ye Lingxin prevailed at that time. Then she ran back to the Shenhuang clan and never went to Ji Yun again.

"I know, I know. It is said that Emperor Ji Yun was very clueless. He even told a strong woman like Ye Lingxin, because Ye Lingxin looks like the girl in his memory, but he may not be, and Ye Lingxin What a messy code.

After that, Ye Lingxin felt that he had become a substitute for others. When he was furious, how could he still marry Ji Yun, and the two started a fight on the spot.

Emperor Ji Yun, although guilty of conscience, was an overbearing person, so he wanted to keep Ye Lingxin with him. So he went all out, but unfortunately, the inheritance of the Shenhuang tribe and the beasts were the most powerful, and he lost to Ye Lingxin. "

This gossip needs to be digested by Feng Xingying. The original from the master has such a bold side.

Later, almost all people on the mainland knew that Ye Ling was furious and accepted the tradition of the Shenhuang tribe. He found himself more than a dozen men in one breath, but did not give birth to a child.

Ji Yun was not to be outdone, and she also chose a lot of beauties for herself.

The two have a rhythm of working against each other.

And Ji Yun also openly made an appointment with Ye Lingxin: "We will fight again in a hundred years. If I win, you will marry me. If you win, I will marry you."

The two people were roaring, and no one knew the entire continent.

It's a pity that the appointment of a hundred years is about to come, but Ye Lingxin disappeared with the Shenhuang clan. It is estimated that Ji Yun is not very comfortable.

Having said that, Qiu Yingqi looked at Feng Xingying and said nothing.

"You want to say that I look like Ye Lingxin, don't I? I look like her, but I'm not her." Feng Xingying shrugged.

"Well, it's not particularly similar." Qiu Yingqi looked slightly red: "Senior Ye's bone age is thousands of years old, and her elderly person is not as good as your body."

good body shape?

Feng Xingying bowed his head, big cock.

Is Ye Ling's mind more flat?

"The temperament of the five senses is not particularly similar. Senior Ye feels more British and pure like a fairy."

"So I'm not pure, right?" Feng Xingying really didn't know whether the other party praised her or hurt her.

"No, no. You and Senior Ye have their own characteristics, and you can still distinguish them if you look closely."

"Um." Feng Xingying nodded, wondering if he would have to wear a mask to go out when he went out, or he would be treated as Ye Lingxin everywhere, and it was strange.

If you encounter good things, you are afraid that Ye Lingxin is perverse and has a lot of enemies. She will come to her at that time.

It is said that Ye Lingxin is her master, and the master's pot is occasionally memorized, but Feng Xingying has not recovered her strength. Now she is just a rookie, but she can't beat those people.

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