Biquge, the fastest update of Leng Wang, the medical concubine will elope the latest chapter!

Seven days later, in the space of Feng Xingying.

As new entrants, the steamed buns and Huangfu became increasingly anxious. Instead, watermelon and sesame have always been calm.

"Master Hoe, don't you worry about my sister-in-law?" Huang Fu was worried about Qin Molin in his heart, but he couldn't say that he could only encourage the Hoe.

The steamed bun was already anxious. With Huang Fu thinking about it, he turned his body into the size of a small white elephant, took a catwalk gracefully, and walked towards the sesame and watermelon with full aura:

"Hey, you guys, shouldn't you be a master of spirits? Don't you worry about Feng Xingying at all? What if he is bullied by that Qin Molin?"

Sesame grew a few inches without convincing, turning into a **** rabbit one person tall, smashing three **** with persuasion: "Stupid cat, what do you know, a man and a woman are together, it is a husband and wife relationship What do you say they will do? "

"What?" The **** was pure and simple, I really didn't know!

Who never let its former owner Ji Ju, never sleep any woman.

"Well, you can go and ask watermelon for this kind of thing. She is like a female beast. It ’s more convenient. I wo n’t tell you about these things with your women. I ’m going to be a beautiful man and I ’ll sleep with my master. How can I be polluted by you! I will definitely be more powerful than Lord Qin Molin, at least as good as him. "Sesame's ideal is firm.

All the steamed buns really asked the watermelon. Although the watermelon is the largest, the temperament is the warmest and friendly one, and it doesn't care about the proudness of the steamed buns, but it only supports the women in a friendly and affectionate manner. The world, um, take our host Feng Xingying as an example.

"I heard that humans are very weird animals. They like to yell and scream at the same time. They are happy and screaming. It's strange anyway."

The master passed by occasionally, and I felt that letting such an unreliable spirit beast give science to another soul beast who did not understand, would it be misleading?

Anyway, that's it. Love it.

It's Feng Xingying. It's so young to be able to enjoy the youthful time freely.

It ’s just that Master Master is also very contradictory now. She came back at the right time, but many things have changed.

Ye Lingxin and Ji Yun were originally two unrelated people, but now they are happy friends? Will Ye Lingxin still like Yun Yuntian?

What's the point of her coming back now? Is it just because you are not willing?

Compared with those carefree spirit beasts, Master Master's mind is a little bit heavy.


On the other side, after seven days of lingering, Feng Xingying finally pushed Qin Molin away and pushed him to make a cake for her.

Qin Molin started making cakes, and Feng Xingying accompanied him to talk to him.

"Master said, this is neither Shenhuang Island nor the inherent space of Yunxi Continent. It may be a mystery of Linshan, or a mystery jointly opened by Linshan and the predecessors of the Shenhuang tribe. Because the blood concentration of my **** is insufficient, It was collected with your blood. I didn't expect that Yinyangyang came here by mistake. "Feng Xingying read.

She and Lihuang Tianzun are more inclined to the latter, that is, this space, 80% of which was created by the ancestors of the Shenhuang and Kirin tribe, and can only be entered with the cooperation of both parties.

And this space Fengxingying has also been explored before. The vast wilderness, abundant spiritual power, lush vegetation, and countless spiritual beasts, but there is no trace of any human activity.

And where they are now is quite special, there is no spirit beast approaching.

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