Cold King, the Doctor Fei Is Running Away

Chapter 1713: I wish I was drunk

Biquge, the fastest update of Leng Wang, the medical concubine will elope the latest chapter!

Feng Xingying felt that she was in a bubble, and she was a carefree Ye Ying.

She lacked nothing, and the only thing she wanted most was the one who accompanied her to grow up and let her admire Qin Molin.

And now, her world is complete. Just last night, she became Qin Molin's woman. She told him he liked it and he promised her.

This kind of life is the happiest thing for Xiaoying. She doesn't want anything in her life. She just wants to stay with him.

He spoils her to heaven, and he will stay with her, no matter how willful. Between heaven and earth, it seems that only two of them are left.

Obviously in this world, there can be no such pure world.

But Feng Xingying likes this feeling too much, like the feeling of being with him too much, and he doesn't want to wake up.

The most abundant area of ​​Shenhuang Realm is time. Neither the past nor the future.

Feng Xingying cherishes the simple time in front of her, why isn't Qin Molin so?

Between them, no one knew what they said.

I don't know if it's been one year or ten years. It doesn't seem to make any difference.

It wasn't until Feng Xingying felt a burst of calls before he sighed.

"We, it's time to leave."

"It doesn't matter, there will always be me in your world." Qin Molin's voice was very weak, but quite powerful.

"Okay." Feng Xingying smiled. "My iris essential oil is running out."

No need for her to say more. With a wave of Qin Molin, the two have returned to Qin Molin's space.

Qin Molin does not have the magic of time, but he is good at space.

In Qin Molin's space, there is a large area full of iris flowers all year round. This is a wait he prepared for her silently.

At this time Qin Molin fell on the iris, like a god, with his long and white fingers twisting method.

Taking his precise spiritual power as the guide, the essence of these iris blooming petals was condensed into the most delicate drop of fragrant liquid and filled into the space bottle.

The capacity of the space bottle is vast, so you don't have to worry about the problem.

And such a purple crystal jade vase carved with an iris flower pattern continues the life of this large sea of ​​flowers and preserves their vitality in another way.

When the purple jade bottle was placed in Feng Xingying's palm by Qin Molin, a smile appeared on Feng Xingying's face:

"This is the most satisfying birthday gift I have received."

Today is her birthday. The gift he gave her is actually a beautiful memory and a remedy for regret.

"Let's go."

The two left the space and returned to Shenhuang Realm again, as if they had passed away.

They went missing for ten years at a stretch.

Fortunately, the time of Shenhuangyu is one day and one year, but it is only ten days to the outside world.

But during these ten days, there have been some changes.

"Master, are you looking for me?" Lihuang Tianzun at this time has re-adapted to Ye Lingxin's body, and even if the fake product sealed by Feng Xingying comes out again, it will not make waves.

Seeing the rapport between the master and your brothers and sisters, there is also rapport. The stone in Feng Xingying's heart was also put down.

Only in this case, Feng Xingying is even more strange. With her master's ability and the rule of the Little God Phoenix Realm, she still needs her?

"This matter has something to do with both of you, and I think you should know. My third son, you."

"It's a master!" After the three brothers responded, he took out a post with a red stamp on the bottom:

"This is an obituary sent by Emperor Ji Yun for you, you can see for yourself."

"Yunwen?" Feng Xingying was surprised. What happened to her and Ji Yun?

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