Biquge, the fastest update of Leng Wang, the medical concubine will elope the latest chapter!

Qin Molin can only be glad now that Feng Xingying is still trapped in that **** trial, otherwise such a scene was seen by Feng Xingying. He estimated that he couldn't say anything.

I just hope that Ji Yun's matter is quickly resolved, so that he will leave Feng Xingying forever, and what happened here can be regarded as never happening.

Qin Molin thought so, the enchantment was fully open, and suddenly met Ji Yun.

From an outsider's point of view, the test between Ji Yun and Qin Molin was really not exciting at all, that is, the two big men stood face to face, and then suddenly disappeared.

The onlookers saw the two of them at the beginning, and commented on the looks and temperaments of both of them, as if nothing had happened since then.

It's useless for them to scream no matter how happy they are. The battles that belong to that pinnacle level are all collisions in the small world. They have entered the small world set by each other, and outsiders can't see it.

Feng Xingying also stood in the crowd, with a little anxiety in his heart, but he resisted not to ask.

Her Qin Molin will definitely be fine! He had no confidence in her, but she remained full of confidence in him!

Thinking of this, Feng Xingying's lips were ticked, and she even wanted to see Qin Molin's expression after she found out.

Qin Molin bullied her this time, and she wouldn't let him find it so quickly.

Thinking of this, Feng Xingying's lips evoked a smile.

"You look so nice." The girl beside him did not forget to praise her.

"Mutual each other." Feng Xingying responded with a smile.

However, she forgot that the woman around her was Xin Xiaoxu girl who wanted to be the concubine of Qin Molin Shaocheng.

Xin Xiaoxu sympathetically gave Feng Xingying a crit: "You are fine. If I fail to choose a concubine, I will consider you."

"..." Feng Xingying was depressed, how could she be more handsome than Qin Molin, this demon!

Time passed by a little bit, and the beautiful girls, big sisters, and grandma cheerleaders of Kirin City could not wait any longer and made various comments.

Originally, they were cheering for the young master of the city, but now they are confused and can't help discussing with each other. Can their young master win?

"Hey, what do you think?" Xin Xiaoxu couldn't help but ask Feng Xingying, because Feng Xingying's dress now looks good and knowledgeable.

"Even though Ji Yun is powerful, our Shaocheng Lord is not weak. I think it should be a tie.

Regardless of winning or losing, our Shaocheng master was only in his twenties and was able to fight the hundreds of years old Emperor Ji Yun for so long.

So no matter what the outcome, it is our Shaocheng master who wins! "

Although Feng Xingying blame Qin Molin in her heart, her heart is still with him. At the critical moment, I still couldn't help speaking for Qin Molin.

Such an induction by Feng Xingying was not only the people of Kirin City, but even Ji Yun's men began to live with Qin Molin.

Yeah, they just think that their emperor Ji Yun is invincible, and they haven't thought about the age difference.

When Emperor Ji Yun was in his twenties, his strength was just a leader among his peers, and he could not reach the level of the mainland at all.

And Qin Molin's strength, many of them personally received guidance.

A teenager in his twenties was still in the protected age group in the mainland of Yunxi. He had the courage to travel to Kowloon City alone to save his beloved woman. He also really frustrated them with his own strength and a set of matrix methods .

The strong can always get the respect they deserve.

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