Cold King, the Doctor Fei Is Running Away

Chapter 1742: Help him choose a concubine 10

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"The second method, beauties." Feng Xingying stretched out two fingers.

"What a beauty?" Elder Thirty-seven came to interest.

"The most important thing is that men and women love each other. Both men and women are the most important. What about our choice of consorts? In the end, we still can't reach a word from our Shaocheng master and Leng Wang Qin Molin."

Qin Molin's name of King Leng was brought to this era.

The thirty-seven elders thought Feng Xingying was reasonable, but there was something wrong, and he could not help asking: "Since you have seen that Feng Xingying, what do you think of Xin Xiaoxu, Tang Yuner and Feng Xingying?"

"Is the elder laughing? That elder has seen Ye Lingxin? Can you be mistaken for Emperor Ji Yun as Ye Lingxin, what do you think of Feng Xingying?

Can their two women enter the beauty list on the mainland? I thought it was an insult to her to compare with Feng Xingying. Feng Xingying said with arrogance.

But the thirty-seven elders only felt that the leaves were a worship of Feng Xingying, and then even more helpless: "That Liner has a beauty like Feng Xingying as his wife, how can they be regarded as such."

Yes, it is like that!

You feel the best for yourself.

Feng Xingying didn't answer this question and made him distressed, but continued to talk about her third method.

Feng Xingying stretched out another finger and said scrupulously:

"This third method is simple to say, but not necessarily easy to do.

In the so-called female lead, when you later married the woman of the Shenhuang tribe, if she was willing, who would he look for as a servant? Wouldn't it be her word? "

"Yeah, why didn't I think of it?" The thirty-seven elder asked with a deep grin, and said: "Do you think that woman would agree?"

"I have already talked to your elders about her personality. In fact, you know what she will do. These are the last words. After all, Ye Lingxin, the leader of the Shenhuang clan, is notorious and proud. Well, I love the little apprentice Feng Xingying very much.

Let's be so busy picking a concubine, maybe Ye Lingxin's predecessors would not agree to marry someone. At that time, you Shaocheng master chooses a good match, and you don't have to be accustomed to that one. "

Feng Xingying's analysis completely set aside his emotions and judged according to the normal logic of things.

"How can this be!" The elder 37 shouted: "Who is worthy of me, except the little princess of the Shenhuang clan, in the entire Yunxi continent?"

Have you done all the good things? I also want to find someone who is worthy of it, and I want to take care of others, and choose a concubine in advance to shame. Really think that my God Phoenix is ​​so bullied?

Feng Xingying looked dark, and did not answer.

Or was the thirty-seven elder himself sad and sad, and asked Feng Xingying sadly again:

"Yeh Yeh, tell me the truth. Is it wrong for us to choose a concubine?

"Elders are full of wisdom, and they have their own determination. As an outsider, Ye Zi is not convenient to express opinions. No matter what the elders and the Lord of the City choose, Ye Zi will support the Lord of the City."

Remember, it is to support the Lord of Shaocheng, not to support you!

The thirty-seven elders were restless and threw a sentence to Feng Xingying: "You are responsible here, I'll go back."

"Yes, there will be no surprises in the first game. I will wait for the elder to preside over the sixth round."

The sixth round?

In total, only nine people can enter the sixth round! After two more rounds of harsh elimination, how many people can be left?

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