Cold King, the Doctor Fei Is Running Away

Chapter 1767: Marvelous comprehension

Biquge, the fastest update of Leng Wang, the medical concubine will elope the latest chapter!

Feng Xingying was lying quietly, she could feel nothing, and she could even feel that her thinking was beginning to slow down.

With all these disturbances, the rhythm seemed to have slowed down, and she began to fail.

Feng Xingying's eyes even began to have strange hallucinations.

In those hallucinations, there was nothing common to her, no flowers and trees, no pavilions, no one.

The pieces in front of her eyes seemed to be broken, and they were all colored photoelectricity. These photoelectricity were interlaced and woven into a net.

If this network looks like anything, it is more like the laser power grid that Feng Xingying has seen in previous lives.

How can such high-tech things appear on the Yunxi continent?

These nets are constantly interlaced in front of her, without any specific words, symbols or patterns, and without any reminders.

Feng Xingying wanted to break away from the world in front of her. She thought maybe she could go back after leaving that world.

But she couldn't escape, her body and consciousness seemed to be integrated into this net, and slowly assimilated by this net.

Feng Xingying didn't know how long it had been, it seemed like it had been hundreds of years, and it seemed like it had only been a moment.

In this strange world, even the feeling of time has disappeared.

Be silent.

Long enough to cause fear.

But Feng Xingying still gritted his teeth, clinging to the last glimmer of hope in his heart.

She is not alone, she also has Qin Molin.

He would call her back, he was waiting for her to go home, and he prepared her favorite food for her.

Even if you can't see, hear, or feel. Feng Xingying still believed this belief.

She just gritted her teeth, closed her eyes, and insisted on preventing her heart from breaking down because of despair.

Time, I wonder how long it has passed.

That magical space suddenly began to intersect and change. All the light spots continued to intersect in front of Feng Xingying, and finally began to form a clear sky, a sea, and a desert.

Trees are flourishing, flowers are blooming, birds and fish are swimming.

Everything, in these photoelectric interleaving, suddenly came to life.

These spots of light have actually created a new world for her. Feng Xingying felt something in his heart.

Can you learn how to create a new world by mastering the trajectories and methods of these light spots?

The so-called Pangu's groundbreaking is a magical legend in her world. But legends are not necessarily groundless.

Some things spread from ten to ten, and they may be exaggerated or lose their appearance.

But there is one point that all these illusions must have a root. There are roots that can be transformed into Vientiane.

The so-called Tao has one, two, three, and three things. In the final analysis, all things fall on the "path" where this root lies.

Just as the world where Feng Xingying lived upheld technological civilization, human beings like to enrich their knowledge and use tools.

On the other hand, the people of the Yunxi continent prefer to search for the power of human origin, and dig for military, spiritual, and divine power to continuously seek for self-strength.

After all, these two forms are just two alternative branches.

And in the end, are these two spots that make up these two worlds?

The small worlds of Feng Xingying and Qin Molin have begun to take shape. They are very cautious in choosing whether to live in their small world. They have basically not introduced many people to live, but have introduced many animal and plant species.

In the final analysis, the reproduction of animals and plants has the same effect as human beings.

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