Cold King, the Doctor Fei Is Running Away

Chapter 1770: Black Rose Protection

Biquge, the fastest update of Leng Wang, the medical concubine will elope the latest chapter!

At the beginning, Feng Xingying was still conscious, actively calling on the surrounding spiritual and divine power to nourish his body.

But after that, he became more and more brave, and after making her defeat again and again. Feng Xingying also gave up all his struggles, leaving the body to respond to his extreme love over and over again.

Qin Molin's consciousness has never returned too much, so in this respect, he is not too light and light, relying entirely on his body's instincts to conquer tirelessly.

Unless the surrounding spiritual power constantly repairs Qin Molin's body, he will also constantly repair Feng Xingying's body. Otherwise, Feng Xingying would be really overwhelmed.

The pain he gave was mixed with more joy. Feng Xingying closed his eyes, which is the starry sky.

Above their heads, two star stones fly into the sky, hovering in the sky constantly.


Kowloon City, Kowloon Temple.

Ji Yun was sitting alone in the courtyard quietly admiring the moonlight, and a table of wine and vegetables was placed in front of him, but no one was waiting around.

Now he is back to true, but he is more like Ji Ji once, rather than Emperor Ji Yun who is now arrogant and powerful.

What he wants is not a group of Ji Jiruyun, servants, but just one person.

It's a pity that I can't ask for it.

Maybe the more things you can't ask for, the more people will not want to give up.

Ji Yun's life is a legend. When he was young, he was awakened by divine power and realm, and when he was young, he defeated his ancestors to become the youngest emperor of Kowloon City. Then he wiped out the nations of the big continent, imposed regulations, established colleges, and prevented the demons.

The prestige of Emperor Ji Yun was accumulated by merit.

Even if he loses to Qin Molin and Feng Xingying in strength today, his leadership of Emperor Ji Yun and his dominance over the entire Yunxi continent remain unshakable.

Therefore, after being played by Feng Xingying, Ji Yun was only angry for less than five minutes and immediately calm down.

Who made Feng Xingying the one he was thinking of, he couldn't tell what he felt about Feng Xingying now.

Is the love between lovers? Or nostalgia between loved ones? Or an unwillingness? Or is it because he is too lonely and needs to be alone?

I'm afraid he can't even make it clear.

Moreover, the most frequently appearing picture in Ji Yun's mind was no longer the one Feng Xingying gave him a gimmick and pulled him back from the edge of despair, but that night, Ye Lingxin decided to tremble in front of him.

Ye Lingxin's love is warm and sincere. Even if Ji Yun is an ice cube, her blood will melt him.

It's a pity that Ye Lingxin had forgotten all night and turned his head up all night. He would never forgive him again.

Ji Yun looked up, looking at the moon in the sky, and raised his glass:

"I haven't served anyone in my life except you. Come, I respect you."

Is he admiring Xingying or Ye Lingxin?

At this time, a figure emerged in the night, walking towards Ji Yun step by step, her face was very beautiful, and she also carried a trace of woman's rare fortitude.

He turned his head and looked at her with a hint of appreciation in his eyes.

After the woman approached Ji Yun, she found that Ji Yun was looking at her, and she fell to her knees on one knee and saluted with a sword:

"Imperial, your safety is related to the world, you should not take a follower, Hei Qiang is willing to lead the army to protect your law."

The appreciation in Ji Yun's eyes swept away, and then turned into disappointment and disgust.


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