Cold King, the Doctor Fei Is Running Away

Chapter 1794: Public Refining 4

Biquge, the fastest update of Leng Wang, the medical concubine will elope the latest chapter!

Time will prove all falsehood, she is now waiting for Feng Xingying's refining medicine to fail, seeing how Duangu still favored Ye Xiaonian!

Duan Gu has always been very good to Ye Xiaonian, better than her biological father to her. Ye Xiaonian is the hardest patron in the Star Academy.

Perhaps because of this, Duan Gu's youthful and outstanding appearance is the object of many girls' secret love in the college, so they hate Ye Xiaonian even more.

Now that the Duan ancient division came, Ye Xiaonian approached boldly and stood beside Duan Gu, looking at Feng Xingying's medicine stove.

"It's fragrant, it's better!" Ye Xiaonian suddenly said.

"Well, just blow it." Ge Yingxue laughed out loud. You think you are an alchemist, and can you judge the medicine through a medicine furnace?

Even Duan Gu shook his head toward Ye Xiaonian: "You're just intuition. Refining requires judgment."

Feng Xingying really wants to draw a big mouth from Duangu. How dare you talk in front of the teacher? The original word that your mother told you was: "Alchemy can be done with judgment, but alchemy must rely on spirituality!"

My family reads such a good spirituality, and you keep on obliterating and turning a blind eye!

But Feng Xingying was so angry that she missed a while while refining her medicine.

But fortunately, that is, the best medicine is refined into Chinese goods.

When Feng Xingying opened the lid of the furnace, Duan Gu even took the translucent forensic crystal bottle and filled the medicine.

Generally, after the medicine is refined, it can be tested and identified before it can be sold or used in bottles.

The medicinal crystal bottles are made of pure white translucent spirit crystals, which is convenient for observing the medicines in the medicine bottles. Pure white spirit crystals are rare, polished to be translucent, and there is a lot of waste. The price is extremely expensive and not something that everyone has.

From the perspective of cost, it is impossible to store the medicine in this kind of medicine bottle. Finally, it is necessary to pour it into an opaque porcelain bottle and then seal it for easy use.

In order to prevent confusion, the identified medicine and time will be written on the bottle label.

Pharmacy has a limited shelf life and time is also a key attribute.

The matter of forensic medicine is still the operation method left by Feng Xingying that year, that is, sampling analysis.

Duan Gu was extremely skilled in this set of actions, and then gave the identification results:

"Variable marrow washing potion, medium quality. Function of the potion: washing the marrow and cutting the veins, clearing the body impurities, mainly for the significant effect of martial arts, not good for spiritual practice."

What about spiritual practice? Where is the spiritual place for the cursed? They only care about martial arts!

Sword repair is also a branch of martial arts, all through training the strength of the body, gaining vitality, and constantly improving.

Compared to spiritual reliance on qualifications, martial arts is a wonderful existence, that is, everyone can get started! As long as you have a healthy body, you can practice martial arts, but qualifications will have greater and greater influence after practice.

With good qualifications, you can do more with less, and go further. No, it is not as simple as doing more with less, but a gap that is dozens, hundreds, or even desperate.

This potion is so effective!

Feng Xingying heard a lot of drooling sounds, which everyone around wanted!

Although Duan Gu was also interested in this potion, he did not act too much, but after she was identified, she divided it into three small bottles and gave it to Feng Xingying:

"The effect of this potion is unique. If you don't have one, I will find someone to use the first 5,000 merit, and then I will determine the merit based on the effect.

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