Biquge, the fastest update of Leng Wang, the medical concubine will elope the latest chapter!

When the identification of the medicament was completed, the ten bottles of Feng Xingying's furnace were completed.

"What kind of potion did the classmates practice this time?"

"This is a life-saving thing, don't sell it." Feng Xingying was simply enough: "You can take all of this box."

"I only have 200,000 merits. Can I pay some gold coins?"

"I have nowhere to use gold coins, so I'd better replace them with medicinal herbs." Feng Xingying wrote a few expensive medicinal herbs and exchanged them with Hua Yu.

Hua Yu was very happy. He was not in a hurry to take the medicine. He went to find the medicinal materials first, then took the medicinal materials and merits, and the gold coins to make up the difference, and sent them to Feng Xingying.

"Happy cooperation." Feng Xingying nodded.

With this cooperation, Feng Xingying's medicinal materials suddenly filled up.

However, Feng Xingying's habit is to keep the medicinal materials and potions in the space away from the Phoenix Sword.

Although her current space is severely restricted, the basic storage function is still available, at least it can be used as a large storage bag.

After Hua Yu ’s merit and medicinal materials were sent, Feng Xingying asked Ye Xiaonian to use merit to redeem the cheapest medicinal materials. He used 50,000 merit and exchanged a full storage bag!

"Master, can you run out of these herbs?"

"It's not for me to redeem it myself, but to get you hands-on training. You run out of these medicinal herbs, and I can teach you something else."

"So much ... just practice hemostatics?"

"Yes, this is life-saving stuff, and it's the simplest."

"But this is cheap." Ye Xiaonian vomited, afraid of being taught by Feng Xingying, and hurriedly obediently refining medicine.

This time Hua Yu also sent Feng Xingying a delicate refining furnace as an additional gift for this transaction.

The quality of the medicine refining furnace has an impact on the speed and success rate of medicine refining.

Feng Xingying had a better refining furnace, so she gave Ye Xiaonian the welfare goods she had brought back before.

Not to mention, Ye Xiaonian is really talented in refining medicine. After refining a few stoves and finding the so-called spiritual consciousness, her success rate also skyrocketed.

These two people have been concentrating on refining medicine these days. Hua Yu has released news intentionally or unintentionally. He is inviting Xiao Mu to join his team.

In a word from Hua Yu, the subtext is that Xiao Mu is the man he covers. Whether it is cooperation or dealing with Xiao Mu, he must first get his consent.

This news also made Feng Xingying quiet for several days. At least someone who wanted to find a way to meddle with the pharmacist and the cooperation with the pharmacist was at ease.

Feng Xingying was also happy.

After one week, Ye Xiaonian ’s level of refining medicine rose straight up. Ye Xiaonian was able to successfully refine the kind of mutated pulp washing agent made before Feng Xingying, and it was always top grade.

The sentiments of the Shenhuang family to the elixir have long been carved into the blood. The bloodline heritage of the Protoss is a bit similar to the bloodline talent heritage of the spirit beast. Many abilities are engraved in the bloodline.

Ye Xiaonian is the granddaughter of the maiden Ye Nian, and can be considered to have inherited the blood of the maiden Ye Nian. It belongs to the same branch as Feng Xingying, and her talent is particularly strong.

And this week, Feng Xingying spent only one day in refining medicine. The rest of the time, except occasionally pointing Ye Xiaonian, were all doing strange and strange actions, and it was just a few hours.

Ye Xiaonian also wanted to learn from Feng Xingying, bending her body into strange arcs, but found that her body could not do it! It hurts terribly.

Feng Xingying's set is a method of stimulating physical ability in previous lives. At this time, it is used to restore physical sensation. The effect is really good.

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