Cold King, the Doctor Fei Is Running Away

Chapter 1808: Apprentice's Shot 3: Yingxue Furnace and Thousand Oven Furnace

Biquge, the fastest update of Leng Wang, the medical concubine will elope the latest chapter!

Ge Yingxue kept a copy of Feng Xingying's formula for refining medicine, and then madly trained his proficiency to produce the mysterious medicine.

And Ye Xiaonian doesn't have Ge Yingxue's proficiency advantage. What she has is a powerful telepathy, which is the talent that Feng Xingying said. The alchemy talents of the God Phoenix family carved in the blood.

The two then distanced themselves and began to sit face to face, each focusing on refining the pharmaceutical.

The two on-duty pharmacists in the Gongxun Hall gathered together to act as referees.

Mysterious medicine is very important, they are not so sure, they have sent someone to invite Jiansheng Duangu.

Ge Yingxue's stance is so big, not only has dark red, carved flame patterns of various shapes, but also a relic left by his master for his wife.

It is a pity that the medicine stove was formed, the master of the refiner died, and his wife of the refiner also fell in love with him, leaving such an unknown medicine stove.

No one knows why this medicine stove fell into Ge Yingxue's hands, but Ge Yingxue is the master of the medicine stove, so she named it Yingying Furnace.

I heard that Yingxue Furnace can more effectively bless and disperse flames, thereby reducing the failure rate in the refining process.

I also heard that the master of the refining device, who spent half his life to build a medicine stove, added a lot of his own life blood, and finally made the medicine stove and sword have the same properties, and became a magic weapon.

In other words, after Ge Yingxue contracted the medicine stove, she could sense the change of the medicine stove in the mode of real Qi induction sword sword.

This induction provided great convenience for her refining.

Some people say that Ge Yingxue has average talents, and most of the time he depends on Ying Xuexue. Without Ying Xuelu, there would be no Ge Yingxue.

With Yingxue furnace in hand, Ge Yingxue's grasp of refining medicine is a little higher than others.

Because Ying Xuelu, and a secret that no one knew, it was a secret that belonged to her alone.

Behind Ge Yingxue, there were three teams, with more than 30 people, who acted as her foreign aid, protecting her like a princess by the way.

Coupled with Ge Yingxue's white clothes, such as snow, and exquisite beauty, she is really true of her little princess of refining medicine.

On the other hand, Ye Xiaonian, the name of the refining furnace she used to call Qian Yao, was a gift from Hua Yu to Feng Xingying.

Hua Yu is the first local tyrant of the famous Star Shadow Academy. Can the local tyrant give a bad gift?

It can be said that this furnace is the most expensive one in Wangjian City and the best one that can be bought with money.

The function of the Qianglu furnace is very obvious. It is to increase the firepower and greatly improve the refining speed. If you practice fast, the error may be less.

I have to sigh, Hua Yu is not only a local tyrant, but also a person who is good at investing and controlling. He sees that the level of the small dummy refining medicine is extremely high, and the Qianglu furnace that he bought is also the most suitable thing for Fengxingying.

For Feng Xingying, Qian Qianlu is more useful than Ying Xuelu, because she does not need Ying Xuelu's auxiliary role, she only needs speed.

However, for Xiaonian, a beginner, Ying Xueluo is obviously more suitable, and the sensitive medicine stove can bless her induction. For this mill, the failure rate will decrease for Ye Xiaonian, but the quality rate will also decrease.

The faster the speed, the less things you can control. Needs faster response.

Ye Xiaonian found out that her master was so atmospheric that she actually used this gamble to train her!

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