Cold King, the Doctor Fei Is Running Away

Chapter 1819: Enrollment rules

Biquge, the fastest update of Leng Wang, the medical concubine will elope the latest chapter!

However, at this moment, in just half a day, their mentality has changed. Instead of receiving two little sisters who need protection, they are equal to their strong and supportive teammates.

"Let me say that Ye Xiaonian's special ability is a rare person who can awaken spiritual power throughout our cursed land, and it is the healing power of the auxiliary department.

She joined the team as a Healer of the Healing Department. Refining can only count her extra abilities, and does not require anyone to remedy for free. "

"no problem."


"The captain has the final say."

Feng Xingying chose the Huayu team for a great reason because Huayu was powerful enough.

A strong captain can become the cohesion of the team and convince the entire team.

What he said, they believed. Even if there is an opinion, he will be given face first, at least the team will not break up.

Hua Yu looked at Feng Xingying again: "If I read correctly, Xiaoying, you throw paper today, is it a sword? Are you a swordsman? If you don't want to contribute potions, you can choose any person from the team. As long as the competition is over, you will join the team according to the Xuanjian division. "

"No need, I'm just an ordinary swordsman with a hindrance. I'll still join the team with a refining pharmacist. Everything follows the rules. Three bottles per person per month. Say what medicine you need. The herbs are provided by myself. I try to guarantee you the best quality. I will charge 20% off the quota.

In addition, I like to make more than ten bottles of medicament at a time. I hope to come to my person who makes medicinal herbs. Prepare at least 20 medicinal materials. I buy more. "

Feng Feifei asked with excitement: "Can I mutate the pulp washing agent?"

This is almost what the whole team wants to say.

"No problem. Everyone is their own person." Feng Xingying won with audacity.

Hua Yu decided to change the rules immediately: "So, the mutant pulp washing agent is too expensive. Xiaomut can help us to make a bottle of mutant pulp washing agent one by one this month.

If you don't agree, you can ask for the other medicines below the third grade. If you need the mysterious medicine, you can only get one for each month. "

"The captain is fair."

"Yes, that's it. You can't let Xiaomu suffer. I heard that the college's old antiques are studying the prescription of Xiaomu's girl day and night. No one has made it.

Gongxuntang has ten bottles in it, all made by little dumb girls. It is not open to the public yet. It is said that it is to be rewarded.

We were able to eat the whole team in this tone, but it was a big advantage, more than the three bottles of medicine used by ordinary pharmacists. "

"I bought some herbs in advance and gave them to the dumb." Hua Yu gave Feng Xingying all the medicines in a storage bag he kept. The space inside is not small, but it is full of medicinal materials for refining and changing the medicine.

Hua Yu is really a smart man. When he saw Feng Xingying's dedication to hoarding these medicinal materials in the college, he found someone to buy these medicinal materials at the same time.

In just seven days, the original medicinal materials for one hundred meritorious services have risen to one thousand meritorious services, and the price outside took only one day to follow the trend.

There are no impermeable walls in this world, and there are more intelligent people. When someone starts to move, it will naturally cause these medicinal materials to rise.

Feng Xingying and Hua Yu belong to the kind of people who have the foresight and are at the forefront of the market. The Star Shadow Academy, taking advantage of the college's wealth and pharmaceutical research, took the second step.

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