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This is in her own way, always adjusting her body instinct.

The cursed land is not suitable for cultivation of spiritual power. What happened to her spiritual power, Feng Xingying himself was not sure. Now, in order to survive, all she has to do is to cultivate a set of martial arts.

This time Feng Xingying hurt the source, all the spiritual power and true energy burned automatically and turned into a defensive shield before she saved her life.

The deeds written by Wen Jianzun on the goddess grave attributed the peace of the cursed land to the sacrifice of the goddess. Such an evaluation is not an exaggeration.

Because of Feng Xingying, she really paid a heavy price to take away Ling Chuxue's mutant beast that combined the blood of God. Almost died.

The cause of the day, the result of today.

Feng Xingying didn't regret it, and didn't feel anything to blame.

At least, she is still alive, she still has a chance. ;

Now her body has no negative effects, that is, some residual poisons in her body are discharged, and she can still practice again.

Her Feng Xingying's qualifications are still there, her veins have been awakened, and the sword and martial arts that should be understood are all well-known in her chest, and her cultivation must be fast.


The next morning, a war book was shot directly on the courtyard wall of the Huayu team.

Feng Feifei just took the mutant pill washing medicament, and felt that he was fast again. He flew out with a bang, and returned the arrow and battle book to Hua Yu.

After Hua Yu watched it, she handed the book of war to Feng Xingying with a strange expression, and included a comment: "Is she stupid and dare to come to deliver the food?"

Feng Xingying opened the book and smiled slightly. This war book was as long as she expected.

"Small, who sent it? No fool would be stupid enough to compare with you, right? You're a 20-bottle person, and you can scare me!" Feng Feifei exaggeratedly passed over.

Feng Xingying was also unpretentious, and he simply spread the books on the table so that everyone could see them.

After reading the content of the war books, the entire Huayu team's expressions are very strange.

No one was worried for Feng Xingying at all. They all lamented how the opponent was so stupid, and by the way sympathized with the person who published the book-Ge Yingxue.

"Little dumb, you tell us the truth, what exactly was Ge Yingxue's neck yesterday? Was it the mark of the magic seed?" At this time, someone revisited yesterday.

"I didn't see clearly." Feng Xingying replied affirmatively.

Ye Xiaonian only said that Feng Xingying's horse head was looking forward. Feng Xingying said so. Although she was 90% sure, she shook her head with Feng Xingying: "She covers too fast and cannot see clearly."

Feng Xingying did not forget to add: "Since Murong An discovered this first, it is only he who sees it most clearly."

Regarding Ge Yingxue, she is already in a hostile position and the relationship is very sensitive.

She would let Ge Yingxue show her feet, but it was definitely not her Feng Xingying's disclosure, even if it was indirectly transmitted from the Huayu team, Feng Xingying was not willing.

Because this enemy is too weak, there is no need to dirty his hands.

"That war book?"

"I'm going to fight."

"Originally we were going to cry to Fengshashayuan today, then wait for your end to go. If you go alone, I am afraid Ge Yingxue and Murong An will not be able to settle accounts." Hua Yu immediately made a decision.

"Well, delay everyone's time, I will find a way to make up." Feng Xingying nodded.

A group of twelve people went to the appointment at the gate of Gongxun Hall.

Ge Yingxue still took her three supporting teams as guardians, and still invited the Academy's first sword master Duan Gu to be the referee.

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