Cold King, the Doctor Fei Is Running Away

Chapter 1829: Little dumb shot 6

Biquge, the fastest update of Leng Wang, the medical concubine will elope the latest chapter!

"Very good." Duan Gu nodded with satisfaction: "I will add that Xiao Du is indeed an excellent pharmacist. In such a short time, he has already solved the poison in his own way.

I didn't see this through. "

"Solved? How is that possible?" Ge Yingxue exclaimed. If it wasn't for the referee, it was her most respected Mr. Duan Gu. It is estimated that Ge Yingxue would scold the referee for his partiality.

But why did she solve it?

Duan Gu shook the bottle left by Fengying Xingying: "The water in the bottle is clear and non-toxic anymore. Naturally it was solved.

Just, Xiao Du, how did you tell the order in which the nine drugs were used? Could you tell us about it? "

"Sorry, this is to be kept secret for the time being." Feng Xingying smiled and frowned.

If she said that she could rely on her **** phoenix's veins and the powerful ability to sense elixir, would anyone believe it?

If this thing can be simply taught, Jiudu Dan will no longer be Jiudu Dan.

Feng Xingying said that he could not teach, and no one continued to ask.

Although this round of fighting was not officially started because of Feng Xingying's rejection, it can only be considered as a mutual discussion.

But the result was obviously one-sided, making Ge Yingxue lose his face.

Partial student Ge Yingxue can win! The distress in her heart is probably only understood by herself and Feng Xingying.

Feng Xingying smiled politely towards Ge Yingxue, looking at Ge Yingxue's eyes, more like ridicule.

Ge Yingxue pinched his mouth, and spoke openly:

"Huh, we are alchemists. Poison is only a left-hand approach. The real focus should be on alchemies."

But Ye Xiaonian was so furious that she couldn't help voicing: "It is her who fights the poison, and she who loses the fight is also unrecognizable, and all the good things in the world are occupied by her alone."

Feng Xingying didn't seem to care at all, and looked at Ge Yingxue with a smile: "Mr. Ge's reputation is not very good. Before refining the medicine, we might as well write a fair contract first, so as to avoid people from cheating."

"Isn't it just refining medicine? I'm afraid of Ge Yingxue, and there are so many mother-in-law things. If you are afraid, you can confess." Ge Yingxue didn't want to write any contract. Yesterday was the contract that killed her. If there is no contract, she Ying Xue stove is not easy to change hands.

After all, Xiao Mu has no foundation in the college, but Ge Yingxue is a goddess character who responds to every need. If she doesn't write the contract, if she really loses, she won't have to scratch the Ye Xiaonian.

Feng Xingying had already guessed Ge Yingxue's thoughts. This little trick can't hide Feng Xingying?

Feng Xingying said jokingly:

"I think the contract is still very important. I don't care. If you don't scratch your head, there is no loss to me. It is mainly you. If you have no evidence and you can't bear to lose your heart, you will lose?"

Ge Yingxue's smile came to an abrupt end. Why did he think that Xiao Duan made a lot of sense, and all of them came up with ideas.

Xiaomu is so kind? Thinking about her everywhere?

Ge Yingxue looked suspiciously at the woman's eyes.

Xiaomu wore a dark purple secret robe and the same dark purple scarf covering her face, revealing only her eyes. Only a small piece of shopping skin was exposed on the forehead, and the rest was covered by bangs. The place covered was beautiful or ugly. Five people know

How can the dull purple close to black compare with her bright color?

But this dark robe adds a bit of mystery to the woman in front of her, but her smile, on the contrary, gives a beautiful feeling like a spring breeze.

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