Cold King, the Doctor Fei Is Running Away

Chapter 1845: Divine Doctor Little Dumb 6

Biquge, the fastest update of Leng Wang, the medical concubine will elope the latest chapter!

"Then you can answer it?" Wen Ruo was still worried. They didn't like to disguise other disciples because they could help by asking a few internal questions.

Or Hua Yu patted Wen Ruo's shoulder helplessly: "It seems that you still need to practice your ability to know people. Xiaomu is good at medicine and good at applying needles. Do you think she is not sure when she puts forward the disguise of Disciples of God Dangu? "

Hua Yu has apparently considered the identity of Lin Mumu as a disciple of God Dangu.

If Wen felt reasonable, he nodded and stopped questioning. Others have also opted for the Envelope Star Shadow.

Feng Xingying's performance is too eye-catching these days. Not only is the refining medicine powerful, but he also pointed out that the problems accumulated on each of them's bodies are more accurate than those that are calculated.

Most importantly, Feng Xingying promised them that when this mission is completed and everyone adjusts collectively, she can heal everyone's illness.

Such a person does not need to pretend to be a doctor at all, she is already a doctor!

Shen Dan Valley, Feng Xingying is of course sure, but she has been to that place in person, and she returned from a forest of steles with a small tree.

Feng Xingying herself almost forgot about her identity. Now she is still the irresponsible mysterious valley owner of Shendan Valley.

What about the valley of gods, can she the valley owner know?

Even if she does n’t know the owner of the valley, Xiao Ding used to like ** 叨, and she told her a lot of things about the valley of the gods. If she heard more, she would know.

Who is Xiao Ding? However, they are as long as the history of Shen Dan Gu. They have no other ability. At least the size and gossip of God Dan Gu have been mastered slowly.

Don't talk about pretending to be a **** disciple now, she's no problem pretending to be the master!

Feng Xingying changed a standard pharmacist's robe, moon white base, cyan fringed outer robe.

As for the others, as long as you don't wear school uniforms, there is no problem in daily dressing.

It was only Ye Xiaonian. Feng Xingying had made a pale green medicine children's clothing, and also combed her a pair of ring hair, which looked particularly pure and cute.

Such a group, centered on Feng Xingying, immediately formed a team of pharmacists in the Valley of God.

In the original article, if they were all a little worried, Xiaomu is a sixteen or seven-year-old girl. Even if she can hold a pharmacist, it is estimated that she can't hold the superiority of the eyes of the pharmacist and the kind of underlying temperament.

I didn't expect Xiaomu to be really good. Except for wearing a veil on her face, she could not see her face, her temperament had completely changed, and she was no longer a nameless **** who could be bullied. She was a pharmacist! No, no one believed it.

And Xiaomu is very careful in doing things. Since she is professional in the end, after changing the pale green pharmacist's robe, her purple veil has also been changed to pale green, and the breath of the whole person seems to have changed.

And the strange lines engraved on her shoulders seemed to be said to be really the martial arts emblem of Shen Dangu.

Such a team has entered Heilian Town, and it is impossible to keep a low profile.

No, they just stepped into the gate of Heilian Town, and a bunch of black guards stopped in front of them. At present, one bowed to Feng Xingying:

"Fang Hongtao, the captain of Xiahelian Town Guard, was entrusted by the mayor to receive friends from Shendan Valley."

"Well, the mayor is polite. I'm here to pick a black lotus flower for medicine. You don't need to care about me." Feng Xingying waved his hands proudly, and there was really a disciple of God Dangu.

The status of Shen Dan Gu has always been very high. When disciples in Shen Dan Gu go out, they are often the ones who look down on the top and look down on everyone.

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