Cold King, the Doctor Fei Is Running Away

Chapter 1855: Could it be a ghost?

Biquge, the fastest update of Leng Wang, the medical concubine will elope the latest chapter!

Fortunately, after Qin Molin just killed Hei Ba, he picked up Feng Xingying on the ground and said coldly to Hua Yu:

"Catch up if you don't want to die."

Then, walk further and further towards the depths of the desert.

Hei Ba was killed in one shot, who dare to move?

Shisanniang and others just watched Qin Molin take Feng Xingying away, followed by the injured boys.

"Tie this **** to me!" When Hei Ba died, Shisan Niang was the master of Heilian Town. Of course, she didn't dare to seek revenge from Qin Molin. The first thing was to tie up Ge Yingxue for the crime.

Feng Xingying, however, failed to talk to Qin Molin.

When she saw Qin Molin's figure, all her strength was evacuated and she fainted gorgeously.

When Feng Xingying returned to her mind a little, it was already early the next morning after waking up.

There was no Qin Molin at this time, only the tent and the wounded of the Huayu team.

Wen Ruo Niang Niang made breakfast, Ye Xiaonian was desperately treating all the injured.

"You are awake." Hua Yu gave a complicated look at Feng Xingying, but she didn't know what to call her.

Feng Xingying showed her true appearance for the first time, and they could think she was Yirong.

But Yi Rong's woman can ask Leng Wang Qin Molin's help? If Qin Molin is Yi Rong, his ability to kill Heiba ​​in that second will not come out?

"Sister Xiaodu." Ye Xiaonian planted in Feng Xingying's arms, and suddenly cried.

She was very strong that night, she didn't sleep for a moment, and kept treating people.

But Feng Xingying woke up, and at this moment all her fragility, grievances and worries broke out. She is still a child after all.

"Last night, how did we get rescued?" Feng Xingying asked as conservatively as possible.

Because she was afraid that it was an illusion last night, maybe other people were different from what she saw.

"It's Leng Wang Qin Molin. He killed Heiba ​​and rescued us. He stayed with you all night and left before the sun rose."

Wen Ruo Niang gave a clear answer to Feng Xingying, and by the way gave a bowl of sea fruit porridge. This is the formula of Feng Xingying.

"Gone? Why?" Feng Xingying was too lazy to think about covering up her identity. Now she only cares about Qin Molin. Why should she leave her?

"I don't think he looks like a living person." The answer this time was Hua Yu, and he tried to use a gentle euphemism:

"He may not be able to show up during the day."

"What do you mean?" Feng Xingying's heart suddenly mentioned his throat.

What else can it mean? He turned into a ghost?

No, this is impossible!

Only dead people will become ghosts!

He won't die, how could he die?

Feng Xingying did not believe it.

"Even if he is really a ghost, I can bring him back to life." Feng Xingying's voice was a little firm.

Afterwards Feng Xingying put on the veil again, they went on the way to the college, they still called her little dumb. No one mentioned or asked about last night.

Even Ye Xiaonian, who was filled with curiosity and excitement, did not ask Feng Xingying's private affairs.

Who hasn't ordered any secrets yet? Her goddess didn't do it, and suddenly she became so weak, of course, for her own reasons.

Feng Xingying also has a lot of thoughts. She is thinking of Qin Molin now.

If Qin Molin really becomes a ghost, how should she revive him?

One day in such a hurry, there was no movement in Heilian Town, and no one came after him.

Feng Xingying finally waited for the stars to rise and quickly ran the power of the stars, hoping to see Qin Molin again.

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