Biquge, the fastest update of Leng Wang, the medical concubine will elope the latest chapter!

In the face of the sword array attack, the Yingxue team did not mess up the square for the first time. After a wave of defense, it was a fierce attack.

No matter how strong the sword array is, they are ten dozen eleven.

The Yingxue team has only Ge Yingxue with a weak strength, while the Huayu team has two.

With their formation, they can only stand a draw with each other.

With a smile on Ye Jingning's face, this degree is not Feng Xingying's strength at all, but now it is just a test of the water on both sides. Feng Xingying must have a back move.

Ye Jingning's guess was right.

After a wave of temptations, Ye Xiaonian, who had been meditating on the spell, suddenly yelled, centered on her finger, a translucent snow-white phoenix rushed to the sky and illuminated the sky.

The Huayu team at this time closed the sword with the tacit understanding, the sword light facing inward, pointing directly at the sky.

White beams of light fell, and finally fell on their swords.

"Pretty, blessing!" Ye Jingning explained, and by the way answered the doubts of the onlookers.

"Ye Xiaonian is a spiritual power of light. Using her unique spiritual power to bless the light of her teammate's sword body is equivalent to adding a short-term enchantment to their sword.

It's a pity that Ye Xiaonian is only a spiritual master, and the power of light is not enough, but light is the nemesis of darkness. Facing the nature of darkness, he can exert his powers.

Ye Xiaonian's contribution has surpassed anyone in the team. She bluntly improved the overall strength of the team to about 1.3 times, and she could support three people by herself. This is the auxiliary you always like to ignore.

Then, I am looking forward to the performance of the auxiliary, dumb student. "

Dark nemesis, who is it? it goes without saying.

Assistant, is it so good? Why does it feel like Ye Xiaonian is special?

In particular, how could her **** phoenix's flying ability be so similar to that of the goddess Feng Xingying?

That would not be the bloodline magic skill of the Shenhuang clan? Can I wait for mortals to imitate it?

Yes, Ye Xiaonian often said that the goddess Feng Fengying was her aunt, so it may be true. How can ordinary people ’s spiritual power condense into a phoenix?

Unfortunately, Ye Xiaonian can't hear these voices now. After she released her spiritual power, she passed out and became the first person to end this round.

At this point, Ye Xiaonian had no consciousness, and Wu Yaozi was giving her a needle to rescue her, while still muttering:

"Poor boy, why have to be so desperate. Hey, my husband will be more reluctant to do you, what can I do?

What a good child is another apprentice. That's too much. "

Feng Xingying looked at Ye Xiaonian from a distance, feeling inexplicable in her heart.

In this world, which parents do not love their children? As a teacher as a father, which master does not love his disciples?

Feng Xingying's love for Ye Xiaonian has long been transformed from gratitude to the apprenticeship of the young apprentice.

This trick was not taught by Feng Xingying to Ye Xiaonian, but Qin Molin, who was translucent, and offered Ye Xiaonian by the way when he came out to let out the wind at night.

Qin Molin's existence has not yet been revealed to the Huayu team, and only Ye Xiaonian, who is accompanied by her, can see Qin Molin.

Sometimes Qin Molin was in a good mood, and he would point Ye Xiaonian one or two at night.

And this magic enchantment is also Qin Molin's ability to pass to Ye Xiaonian. Meeting ceremony as a teacher. As for the magical phoenix, Feng Xingying personally taught it.

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