Biquge, the fastest update of Leng Wang, the medical concubine will elope the latest chapter!

If they dispersed again, they could only be eaten one by one.

They want to win and they have to cooperate again.

Unfortunately, it is too late. They have lost half of them and only six are left.

"Group black lotus fantasy formation!" After someone spoke, the six figures became more illusory, and finally began to make big moves, and their black gas continued to spread.

I heard that Heilian Town is the most famous. In addition to the black lotus, it is based on the characteristics of the six petals of the black lotus.

Once the Black Lotus Army launches the Black Lotus Magic Formation, it is their big killer. Six people who have taken Black Lotus once formed the Black Lotus Magic Formation, the Black Lotus in the body will temporarily condense them into one, forming a A giant black lotus flower with artificial petals.

When the formation is completed, Black Lotus can devour everything. Of course it is also within a limited range. The six people in the formation needed to be unconscious for a month because they were absorbed by Black Lotus.

This formation method is completely different from Feng Xingying's formation method. Feng Xingying's formation method is the formation method. Black Lotus Magic Formation is already a terrible magic.

But they can't do anything about it. The formation of the Black Lotus Magic Formation is extremely fast, and it will not give people a chance to stop it.

Ge Yingxue smiled outside with a charming smile: "We will not lose, little dumb, I am waiting for you."

The entire Academy of Star Shadow is going crazy, how can they win with such a mean trick?

If this is the way to win, is Star Academy or Star Academy? If so, what makes this place different from the rest of the cursed land?

The Huayu team made every effort to lose to such an evil gate?

The partial black lotus fantasy formation is too big. Once formed, it is equivalent to a demon summoned with their bodies to sacrifice. The energy of this thing is not that ordinary people like Hua Yu can handle.

"Sword formation! Defense!" Feng Xingying's voice remained cold and firm, no matter how the other side, they did not retreat.

Now that we have fought, we must win!

"Papapa, Papapa." Six crisp sounds suddenly passed through everyone's ears.

Before anyone can respond, the huge black lotus has dispersed, and the six people have been sent out of the arena and passed out.

"Catch everyone in Yingxue Clan, dare to use magic in front of Ye Jingning?

Humph! Do you really think my referee is a display? Do n’t you know that my master hates sorcery the most? Ye Jingning's face was cold, so cold that he could freeze a piece of the ground.

In the Xingying Academy, Duan Gu and other mentors have been intolerable for a long time, and it is also because this Ye Jingning's face has not moved the snow team.

Because Ye Jingning always said a word before: there is no evidence, I don't want you to be wrong against any good person, Ge Yingxue has the talent for refining medicine, and I am very optimistic about her.

His words were deliberately ambiguous, making people think he liked Ge Yingxue and loved his talents, so no one dared to touch Yingxue.

The entire Academy of Star Shadow was under tremendous pressure, and tolerated the shameful existence of Yingxue Team until it reached the final.

Well now, is Ye Jingning personally ordered to arrest them, will anyone keep them?

Not at all!

Ge Yingxue is no longer Ge Yingxue a month ago. She is now infamous at the Star Academy.

Ye Jingning, who she was most looking forward to, suddenly raised her mute hand and announced loudly:

"This championship is the Hua Yu team. Your unity, toughness and fighting spirit have made me very satisfied. I look forward to your joining the Star Academy."

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