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However, Feng Xingying didn't say anything, she had nothing to do with her hang-up attitude, she continued to hang up with Ye Xiaonian at the end of the team, and forced Ye Xiaonian to carry a master alchemy.

Hua Yu glanced at Feng Xingying, and then apologized and smiled at Tong Qingxuan: "We in Hua Yu's team are all one."

"What do you mean?" Tong Qingxuan raised her eyebrows. "Will you play the team?"

Hua Yu was not angry, and she patiently discussed with her: "This is my Hua Yu principle. My team members, as long as they are actively motivated and can keep up with the team, I will not give up anyone."

"Weak meat and strong food are the survival rules of this world. You don't want to give up the dumb and Ye Xiaonian, or do you see that they can make medicine?" Tong Qingxuan's mind was clear.

"Whatever you think. Their refining medicine is indeed part of their contribution to the team, and I don't deny it."

That's all right, the angry temper Tong Qingxuan hits Hua Yu with a pin-like character, and the two captains quarrel with each other first.

Feng Xingying does not hate Tong Qingxuan, because Tong Qingxuan is fundamentally different from Ge Yingxue.

When Ge Yingxue was doing things, with a strong jealousy and hostility, Tong Qingxuan was really that kind of temper. She wanted to block Xingying and argue with Hua Yu. It was basically a normal academic exchange between students.

The two of them debated this topic for a long time, which also attracted Ye Jingning's attention.

Originally, Ye Jingning was always paying attention to Feng Xingying, but now his eyes fell on the two men, and he suggested lightly:

"Since you have your own ideas, you might as well play a friendly match on the spot. Ye Huohuo and Duan Gu, come and go as referees, let me rest.

Oh, by the way, come on, dumb, I have some questions. "

Taking the Huayu team alone will bring unfairness. Ye Jingning simply doesn't care about this problem, leaving Duan Gu and Hua Yu and Tong Qingxuan to solve it.

He is now the Dean of Star College and has enough freedom to do many things.

Although rights take a lot of time to maintain, sometimes rights are really good things, and he will also give you more freedom, dignity and opportunity.

For example, he found her.

Feng Xingying was really a little embarrassed. Now they are in a vast desert, Ye Jingning took her away from the crowd without saying a word.

She is now a member of the Hua Yu team, no matter whether she can leave here or not to affect the Hua Yu team, she can't violate him, she can only follow behind Ye Jingning.

The two of them walked for a while before Ye Jingning stopped and watched the test over there quietly.

Feng Xingying is also very patient. Since he wants to see the test first, she doesn't need to speak.

The Hua Yu team lacked a dumb, Tong Qingxuan was a proud person, and he would not take advantage of him, so he kicked a Tie Yuanxi second to her from the team.

Eleven vs. eleven, the two sides fought. There is a section of Gubu under the protection of the enchantment. They can shoot as much as they like. No one at the scene has the ability to kill in the enchantment of Duangu.

The Huayu team tasted the sweetness of the sword array. Even if Feng Xingying was not there, they also faced the enemy with the sword array. It was only that Ye Xiaonian used the light magic enchantment enchantment the day before yesterday. It is not available today, and her role can only be an adjuvant therapy.

Ye Xiaonian's light-based spiritual power has a very powerful effect, which is to delay the pain, which can delay all injuries for a period of time and prolong everyone's fighting time. Supporting ability is also pretty good.

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