Cold King, the Doctor Fei Is Running Away

Chapter 1920: Then you let Xianxian

Biquge, the fastest update of Leng Wang, the medical concubine will elope the latest chapter!

When Feng Xingying and Ye Xiaonian disappeared, Nangong Yuxiu came back.

Xiao Du's brain is terrible! Fortunately, they now have a common enemy.

"Xiuer, how are you? But you are worried about me." Nangong Yuzhu hurried into the tent.

"Brother, let's go out first. We are alone and widows. We have been gossiped. Don't stay in a tent. Change Xueling to stay with me in the future."

Nangong Yuxiu's voice is not small. If Nangong Yuzhu breaks into her tent again, she will be criticized.

Nangong Yuzhu hated his teeth itchingly, this time without taking advantage of this woman's injury to kill her, absolutely endless troubles. She had discovered his murderous intentions and was bound to betray him.


After this incident, the injuries of Nangong Yuxiu and Feng Xingying were basically stable after two days, and the entire army decided to continue to sweep up.

There are no injuries in the legion. The injured people just need to mingle in the crowd and not shoot. They each have their own team protection, and there will be no problem.

In the first battle of the legion, Nangong Yuzhu fully exerted his commanding ability, commanded and dispatched various teams, and took advantage of the legion to fight a beautiful victory.

Victory: Destroyed about two hundred cavalry, zero deaths and five injuries.

Such a result is indeed worthy of pride. Nangong Yuzhu also received a lot of praise for this, all boasting that he has leadership skills, comparable to the Deputy Director of the Star Shadow Corps Du Shushu.

But it is praise, Du Shushu is now a celebrity. With Xiao Jiu, he led the entire Star Shadow Corps and made great achievements in the gate of the demon world. Is it something that ordinary people can see casually?

These people are just arbitrarily praising Nangong Yuzhu, and he is a little bit flamboyant.

Only the Huayu team did not understand, this is called a gold medal command? Is this comparable to Du Shushu?

What's our little dumb command? Should it be comparable to Feng Xingying?

They said this in private, but accidentally fell into the ear of Nangong Yuzhu.

Nangong Yuzhu Zhengchou couldn't find a chance to attack Feng Xingying, and immediately had an excuse:

"Little dumb girl, I heard that you are good at formation and command. I am worried that it is not enough to lead the army by myself. How about Xiao dumb me as a deputy?"

Nangong Yuzhu knew that Xiaomu was upright, she didn't talk to people, and was not good at it, so she deliberately asked Feng Xingying to talk when she was sitting with a dozen or so people in the captain and representatives.

With so many people here, she has to be forced into submission? Can't you just give him the face of the legion?

Who knows this little dumb, it really does not give face at all, in a word: "You can change the commander if you can't handle it. I think Hua Yu and Gao Lu can both lead a legion. Then you ca n’t do it, let them slap. "


Nangong Yuzhu was almost crying with anger, what's this for? He worked so hard to build a legion, not just for the position of commander, how could it be possible for someone to do it?

Feng Xingying really can say anything.

Pian Sheng Hua Yu is the kind of person who unconditionally supports Feng Xingying. Another Colou is also comparable in strength to Nangong Yuzhu and leads a strong Kendo martial arts. He has never been very satisfied with Nangong Yuzhu.

No, as soon as Feng Xingying's voice fell, Gao Lu stated: "I have been a general for some time before leading the party and led thousands of battles. I believe that this army of hundreds of people should be fine."

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