Cold King, the Doctor Fei Is Running Away

Chapter 1945: Strange big shaman

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Chapter 1945 Strange Big Shaman

"Qin Molin, I always feel like I forgot something."

Strolling in the orc territory, Feng Xingying rubbed his head and looked at the man in doubt.

She seemed to have a dream, it was a long dream, but this dream was not complete.

"You seem to be cursed and unconscious when you get to the orcs. But it doesn't matter. Your missing memory, I will help you find it. As long as we leave here and go back to your companion and apprentice, I prove. "

Qin Molin took Feng Xingying's hand and followed her into the sea of ​​memories.

It's just that Qin Molin's sea of ​​memories began after he became a god, and contained all the activities of Feng Xingying in the Yunxi continent.

Looking at these vague and real memories, Feng Xingying no longer clings to the forgotten paragraph.

During this time, the big shaman came to the queen three times and never saw anyone.

The fourth time he came, Feng Xingying and Qin Molin met the big shaman together.

"Big Shaman, do we know?" Feng Xingying stared at Da Shaman's watercolor-filled face, and automatically removed his makeup in his head to restore the appearance of Da Shaman. He was very handsome! And there is absolutely three points like Ji.

But this three-point image doesn't explain anything, it doesn't look that much, not even with the tribe.

"When I saw you, I knew you weren't an orc race, so I wanted to take down your question and ask the queen to atone for sin." The big shaman actually confessed to Feng Xingying.

Feng Xingying drank the wine from the yellow chalice and did not remember it.

"It's all for the orc race. Our goals are the same, so we don't need to mention the past." Feng Xingying waved his hand generously and passed the incident.

Considering the status of the shaman in the orc race, second only to their holy king Qin Molin, the queen Feng Xingying really took the shaman.

Feng Xingying looked at the big shaman, always feeling that the breath on him was strange, but he couldn't say anything.

So Feng Xingying could only take a big shaman to eat together and chat by the way.

"Since the big shaman is a human, why draw such a strange totem on his face?"

"The totem is a status symbol." The big shaman smiled at Feng Xingying with a pious look in his eyes:

"The orcs have given me rebirth, and it is this ability that I can repay them. The big shaman is a sacred profession blessed by the orc ancestors, and I must return with the same piety."

Feng Xingying stared at the big shaman, a drop of golden blood of God was secretly forced into the eyes by Feng Xingying, her eyes flashed gold, and she shone on the big shaman in front of her.

The **** phoenix of the Phoenix Phoenix tribe, exclusive magic skill-God pre-operation!

Da Shaman was so photographed by Feng Xingying that his face hurt so hot that he didn't dare to contact her any more and hurriedly left.

When the big shaman left, Feng Xingying also passed out.

This prediction of killing one thousand enemies and self-damaging five hundred is really not fun. The stronger the opponent, the more powerful she will be.

Qin Molin held Feng Xingying in distress, and constantly cultivated the veins of Feng Xingying with his own spiritual power.

Feng Xingying slept for one day and one night before waking up, and immediately left a prophecy:

"The orcish big shaman will be a magic seducer!"

The so-called magic guide is a sinner who guides the demons into the Yunxi continent.

"Rest assured, I'll find a chance to eradicate him!" Qin Molin flashed a sharp look in his eyes.

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