Cold King, the Doctor Fei Is Running Away

Chapter 1959: Dare to Play tricks 3

Biquge, the fastest update of Leng Wang, the medical concubine will elope the latest chapter!

Feng Xingying actually had no problems at all and was not injured. She just pretended to cure some people's strange problems!

It's boring to do her own shots. Of course, such an interesting thing must be left to others to do.

Liao Jian is the sword master of Xiuling Academy, with strong strength and excellent swordsmanship. He is a well-known person in the whole continent.

This time, the whole spiritual college was also led by him.

At this point, Liao Jian stood up and repeated why Feng Xingying was injured and why the transmission failed.

Then he said, "I heard that you were comfortable last night? Do you know how we lived?

Last night was fourteen, and the moon was rounder and redder. Compared to the day before yesterday, at least three times more horrible, our team has three sword emperors, who went crazy on the spot and killed them with my own hands!

Otherwise, you think I am a swordsman, why would you see that you have closed your veins? Give your life to a little girl you do n’t know? Because today is fifteen, I am not sure to spend today's red moon!

If you don't want to die, don't play tricks. If you want to die, just go away and don't delay others. "

Afterwards, Liao Jian hosted the plan: "Who hasn't sealed himself, stand up, or wait for me to find out, no matter how you ask me, I won't let you enter the teleportation team! I have always been like this."

"Brother Liao is justified. The more dangerous we are, the less we can attack the herd." Compared with Liao Jian, Le Tian is more gentle.

Liao Jian coldly arranged: "So no one admits it? Would you like me to check them one by one? In this way, the teams check each other, and all the captains I check in person. No one can fall! The spiritual and star staggered checks, you What do you think? "

Le Tian nodded: "Good idea, let's host it first, and then let the little girl check."

The two are really late to see each other, and the tacit understanding is very good. This method is simply an airtight inspection network. No one should be lucky.

Everyone heard the consequences. As long as people who want to live, they will not let others out!

"No need to check, it's me." Ye Xiaoxi knew that there was no chance of luck, so he stood up.

"How are you?" Le Tian couldn't even imagine it would be Ye Xiaoxi: "You or the captain, did you do such a thing?"

"I just forgot." Ye Xiaoxi made an excuse for himself, his face was particularly ugly.

Busy forget? Ghosts will believe it. Can you forget such an important thing?

Liao Jian, with a somber face, spoke directly to Ye Xiaoxi: "Are there any healing elixir there? Take it out for Xiaodu."

"No." Ye Xiaoxi shook her head indignantly. She is the captain. What can they do to her? Wouldn't she really take her?

Liao Jian looked at Ye Xiaoxi quietly, without speaking, his eyes were full of irony.

While listening to the movement behind him, Feng Xingying continued to pretend to recover, without opening his eyes or talking.

The atmosphere was a little awkward for a while.

Liao Jian asked Ye Xiaoxi to give out a panacea with the meaning of punishment, otherwise everyone would not be convinced and could not explain to Xiao Du.

Whether Ye Xiaoxi's elixir is not the point, she can't find someone to borrow or buy. Was she refusing to be so responsible?

This attitude is chilling.

Many people's eyes fell on Ye Xiaoxi with Liao Jian.

Although no one said anything, the eyes sometimes talked: taunt, condemn, look down.

Ye Xiaoxi gritted his teeth and looked angrily at Feng Xingying's back.

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