Biquge, the fastest update of Leng Wang, the medical concubine will elope the latest chapter!

Wan Bi didn't even notice that the old fox in front of him was simply the king of routines!

Feng Xingying asked Ye Xiaoxi's question, but Wan Bi's shadow was in the question! If she is not careful, she will talk about herself.

"How about you? Are you also a god-phoenix? Then how did you appear in the land of cursing?"

"Of course for Ye Xiaonian, I was sent to her by the order of my master. My master can take Xiaonian seriously. I secretly tell you a secret. The place where I came with my master is a curse, but my master is not easily seen. Body. "Feng Xingying told Wan Bi with a smile.

Wan Bi's heart tightened, forcing herself to calm down and asking with a smile: "Will she follow up this time?"

"I don't know. Our teacher is very special. The master let us practice it. Sometimes we secretly protect us, sometimes we don't.

Just like when I was in Wan Mo Tower last time, I thought I would die. No one knew that my master appeared. When Hongyue encountered a sand worm before, it was so dangerous that we might die and she didn't show up.

Therefore, I do not know the whereabouts of the master. Feng Xingying's seemingly unintentional answer, but he has been silently paying attention to Wan Bi.

She was more certain that this Wanbi, there was absolutely something wrong! And it has something to do with the cursed land.

Feng Xingying gave Ye Xiaonian a voice, Ye Xiaonian said unintentionally:

"Coincidentally? We seem to have a family with a surname in the cursed land. Maybe it's your relatives."

Wan Bi's look changed immediately, and he was busy denying: "There are no relatives in our family who are cursed, and they happen to have the same surname."

"That's okay, you don't know. The Wanjia is not good. It can be regarded as an undead dead mouse in our cursed land. At that time, a large family, actually took the initiative to give his daughter to the old man Qian Qian. If you think about it, you will be disgusted. "Ye Xiaonian is a native of the cursed land. It is naturally unburdened to say these words.

But Wan Bi's face became more and more ugly, it was already pale.

Ye Xiaonian continued to mutter there: "At that time, my father heard that the daughter who sympathized with the Wan family in particular was called Wan, what was coming?"

"Wan Bi."

"It's not me! Don't spit on your blood." Wan Bi was frightened with a cold sweat.

"Wan Bi, are you okay?" Wan Bi said that it was Feng Xingying, not Ye Xiaonian.

The words of the two were basically connected. Ye Xiaonian was in those ten thousand words. Feng Xingying shouted Wan Bi deliberately, just to stimulate Wan Bi's fragile nerves and cheat her, but it was unexpected!

Wan Bi looked pale and looked at Feng Xingying suspiciously, not knowing whether she was intentional or unintentional.

"Why is your face so ugly? Are you worried about Ye Xiaoxi? Rest assured, our alchemist of the Phoenix family will not fall down so easily." Feng Xingying made an excuse for Wan Bi.

Wan Bi quickly climbed down the pole: "Yeah, now is an extraordinary period, I am afraid Xiaoxi will be injured. What can I do in the future?"

"It doesn't matter, she and you as a friend, you will not leave her alone." Feng Xingying smiled ambiguous.

"Yeah, how could I have left her." Wan Bi always felt weird, and there was nothing wrong with it.

In her position, did she dress up white lotus with Feng Xingying?

Feng Xingying didn't dare to force Wan Bi to be too tight, she simply stopped chatting with her and kept her mind on Ye Xiaoxi.

On the contrary, Ye Xiaonian talked to Wan Bi with each other. Ye Xiaonian was very good in the whole team, and had no worries, and he was young and naturally would not be warned.

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