Cold King, the Doctor Fei Is Running Away

Chapter 1975: Wan Bi's identity

Biquge, the fastest update of Leng Wang, the medical concubine will elope the latest chapter!

Feng Xingying gave Ye Xiaonian a snoring expression. Looking at Ye Xiaoxi, she wanted to see if Ye Xiaoxi was stupid enough to be distorted by Wan Bi.

"Enough! If you don't have the heart, let's go back. Today no one has come here! No one will be allowed to come in the future." Ye Xiaoxi frowned.

"Xiao Xi, why are you not sympathetic at all? Will you save her?"

"I said go back!" Ye Xiaoxi's face was even colder: "We, the goddess of the Phoenix Phoenix family, sealed the seal, which consumed her for ten years.

You told me to let her go today? Have you considered my feelings as a Shenhuang clan? "

"Xiaoxi, I'm sorry. I didn't do it on purpose, I just, I really give up my heart. When I think of such a beautiful woman, I will be a **** beast, and I will be sealed."

"Where's the idiot!" Feng Xingying could not bear it, knocked her directly behind Wan Bi, and let Ye Xiaoxi carry her back.

As for whether Wan Bi would come again, Feng Xingying was not worried at all, because the enchantment here was intentionally opened by her. When they returned, they would close again.

What Wan Bi thought was the dimensional space here, which was basically correct, but I didn't know that it was Feng Xingying's own space from the Phoenix Sword, or the Star Stone Space.

In such a place, Feng Xingying, the space master, can feel at any time.

For example, after they returned, Wan Bi really went to the snow field in the middle of the night, and Feng Xingying opened the enchantment for her silently, fulfilling her wish.

Wan Bi was actually very **** herself this time. Before approaching that fake ice phoenix, she encountered her enchantment again, and she really had her own pulse.

Don't be afraid of injury and backlash, but want to toss this ice phoenix?

What's more interesting is that Ye Xiaoxi followed Wan Wan and watched it secretly.

Feng Xingying blinked and turned into a siren prince of men's clothing, covering Ye Xiaoxi with spiritual power.

"Little fool, she has recovered her spiritual power. If you follow this, she will be found. What if she is killed?"

"She is my friend and won't kill me." Ye Xiaoxi shook her head.

"Let's try it later?" Feng Xingying blinked narrowly.

After Wan Bi broke through her veins, although she felt a little unwell, she was pleasantly surprised to find that she could use spiritual power here!

She is the spiritual power of the ice. On top of this ice field, she is even more powerful.

She didn't want to hit the enchantment ahead with the ice-powered spirit.

Unfortunately, the enchantment in front is Feng Xingying's personal blessing. How could she easily break through?

When the spiritual power was exhausted, Wan Bi used swordsmanship to attack the enchantment with one sword until he was exhausted.

She collapsed in front of the translucent enchantment, patted the enchantment constantly, and shouted in tears:

"My dear, Bier is here, Bier is here to save you. You answer me, how are you? You must be alive, right?"

"My dear, Bier has been so hard to find you, Bier doesn't want to pretend to go on anymore, my dad and I both want my dear.

Dad is studying new things again. He has a new identity and the power of the half-orc, and will definitely save you.

Mother, wait again, wait for our family to reunite, wait for Bier to pick you up. "

"You turned out to be the daughter of the Ice Phoenix God Beast? Then who is your father? Isn't it the old man with a thousand spiders? Wan Bi, I'm so miserable!" Ye Xiaoxi's voice suddenly sounded from behind Wan Bi.

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