Biquge, the fastest update of Leng Wang, the medical concubine will elope the latest chapter!

After Wan Bi left, Ye Xiaoxi withdrew all the spiritual power from her body and cried in a hug.

Feng Xingying also dealt with things over there before returning to see Ye Xiaoxi.

"Stupid girl, if she really treats you sincerely, you will cry. Since she has never regarded you as a friend, what is your crying?

You have not lost, because you never owned it. "

"Wow!" Ye Xiaoxi couldn't help it anymore, hugging Feng Xingying and started crying.

"Hey, girl, why can't you be so reserved? Wang knows that he looks handsome, and you don't have to take advantage of me to take advantage of him.

Let me tell you, you, this little mermaid and little mussel girl of our sea tribe, have been rotten. Feng Xingying reluctantly pushed away Ye Xiaoxi.

It's not used to being held by a woman!

Fortunately, Ye Xiaoxi didn't hug her any more, just sat on the snow and kept telling her story to Feng Xingying.

Feng Xingying actually had a little regret. If it hadn't been for the siren prince to talk to Ye Xiaoxi, maybe she really regarded Ye Xiaoxi as a bad person, and tortured her so that she couldn't take care of herself.

Now think about it. Sometimes, what you see may not be true.

As for Wan Bi, it was a new discovery. It was actually the old man Qian Ling and the daughter of Ling Chuxue! This is simply impossible.

Ling Chuxue met Qian Qian old man only ten years ago, how could he have a daughter in her twenties?

But Wan Bi's talents and looks are very similar to Ling Chuxue.

If it was said that Ling Chuxue had a daughter backed by the old man Qian Qian at his earlier age, it was impossible. Ling Chuxue was a woman living under the halo, and it was impossible for her to become pregnant without being discovered.

Before the Ling family valued her so much, it was impossible for her to disappear for several months.

This actually made Feng Xingying think of one possibility: genetic modification!

Perhaps Wan Bi was not born of Ling Chuxue, but was transformed by the old man Qian Ling with Ling Chuxue's genes, and then told her that she was Ling Chuxue's daughter.

In this way, Feng Xingying thought of the secret that Ye Xiaonian said: Wanjia owner gave his teenage biological daughter a flower-like age to the Qianlong elderly. If Wanjia's daughter Alive, about twenty-five? The same age as Wan Bi!

Feng Xingying listened to Ye Xiaoxi's comments, and in turn asked Ye Xiaoxi several questions about Wan Bi.

Ye Xiaoxi really had some feelings for Wan Bi's only friend. When she mentioned Wan Bi, she knew the details, but Wan Bi's origin and family, Ye Xiaoxi couldn't figure out.

Seeing that dawn was approaching, Feng Xingying was accustomed to licking her sister again and asked Ye Xiaoxi: "Beauty, your friend doesn't want you anymore. Just stay and be my princess?

"You don't like me at all, right?" Ye Xiaoxi looked at the blue-eyed boy in front of him:

"Nevertheless, thank you for unlocking my veins seal, and thank you for staying with me when I'm most helpless. I should go, goodbye."

In the early morning of the next day, Feng Xingying teleported everyone out, and everyone faced the land of the long curse of Huang Sha again.

Ye Xiaoxi and Wan Bi didn't mention anything about last night.

Instead, Wan Bi went to Feng Xingying and deliberately talked about the strange thing last night: "Little dumb, do you know the blue-eyed weird? We went to the ice field to the north yesterday, why couldn't we go later?"

"I don't know." Feng Xingying shrugged. "Maybe someone found us and set up an enchantment intentionally."

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