Cold King, the Doctor Fei Is Running Away

Chapter 1990: Stars, Wang Ling!

Biquge, the fastest update of Leng Wang, the medical concubine will elope the latest chapter!

The starry sky is brilliant and the streamers are twinkling.

A stream of black and gold, like a shooting star, flew straight down from the sky.

In such a scene, the half-orcs who saw it couldn't help but kneel and looked up at the stars to salute.

Da Shaman looked overcast, staring at the falling meteor deadly.

He had a hunch that 80% of this matter was related to Feng Xingying.

The meteor flew by, and the frozen seal with the star shadow was also melted by the meteor.

"Catch her!" The big shaman responded quickly, throwing out his dark holy grail and covering Feng Xingying.

The holy grail of darkness flashed past and suddenly disappeared.

"Use my holy grail, my woman, Dashaman, do you still have me as the king?" Ao Qing's cold voice came from Feng Xingying's side.

"Qin Molin! How come you are here?" The big shaman also finally determined that this man was actually Qin Molin.

"Of course, thanks to you." Qin Molin looked at the shaman coldly:

"It's good to catch my woman with my people. Should I call you a big shaman, or an old man with a thousand spiders?

And you guys, do you listen to me or to him? "


Seeing Qin Molin, a group of half-orcs did not dare to neglect anymore, and hurriedly fell on their knees and shouted:

"King, please listen to me. The big shaman took the Holy Grail and said that it brought the king's will. Let us obey him, regain the entire place of curse, and regain a home.

Qin Molin was furious: "Are you stupid? Don't you recognize the queen? He asked you to catch the queen, and you listen?"

"The big shaman said that the queen was abducted by human beings and asked us to help the king come back."

"So people who lie in this series of liaisons don't do any shamaning in the future. The orcs don't need such a liar, and the holy grail of the orcs can't fall into the hands of those with bad intentions."

"Yes, king!"

Those few people paid great attention to salute, but for a moment, the old man Qian Qian had already rode a dark sand worm into the wasteland and ran away.

"It is my decree that all orc races must not arbitrarily attack human beings and go all out to hunt down the old man with a thousand spiders. Since then, there have been no shamans in the orc race."

"Yes, Wang. Let's do it now."

"That queen."

"You don't have to worry about it. Just go and do things."

At this point, Feng Xingying had exhausted his star power and completely passed out.

Qin Molin was holding Feng Xingying, sitting on the back of a half-orc mount on a desert dragon, and heading towards the half-orc's retreat.

The deer half-orc leader used by the old man of the thousand spiders was quite sensible, and divided four people to follow the king who protected them, and sent the rest to continue to hunt down the shaman.

He himself took advantage of the orc's high technology-back to the city crystal, returned to the orc camp, and communicated the king's instructions in advance.

Such a thing as a crystal back to the city is a treasure left by the orc ancestors. In order to prevent the theft by outsiders, this thing was banned.

The returning city crystal can only be used by half-orcs, neither their king Qin Molin or the big shaman with his hands and eyes can not be used.

Qin Molin hugged Feng Xingying and walked in the rolling yellow sand, accompanied by the stars and the bright moonlight.

Feng Xingying had previously thought that the danger had not been lifted, and did not dare to comatose herself for too long, but it was only a quarter of an hour before she woke up again.

Feeling the warm and familiar embrace of Qin Molin, Feng Xingying couldn't believe this was not a dream.

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