Cold King, the Doctor Fei Is Running Away

Chapter 1995: Crystal Armor 1

Biquge, the fastest update of Leng Wang, the medical concubine will elope the latest chapter!

Qin Molin was really reluctant to let go of Feng Xingying. He was obsessed with her feelings and just wanted to get better with her.

"Be good, just go out and see if it's okay, then come back." When Feng Xingying pushed Qin Molin away, his anxious cheeks turned red, and he looked so cute.

"Okay." Qin Molin finally let go. Don't look at him always spoiling her, but he has no bottom line for her.

He wanted to imprison her and occupy her all the time, but he also knew that she was the **** phoenix who soared for nine days and longed for freedom.

The imprisonment only made her feel miserable, he didn't want to see this happen.

"Feng Xingying, you can go out to help your apprentices, but you must promise me, you must take me." Qin Molin, a sticky version, muttered his mouth, it was really cute.

"Okay, let's go and see it secretly. I'm afraid they will kneel when they see me." Feng Xingying agreed.

The two happily hit the road.

As for the route, don't worry at all.

The Orcs' half-hawks, with human wisdom, eagle wings, sight and smell, will lead them to the person they are looking for based on their breath.


When Ye Jingning was teleported by Feng Xingying that day, they were very happy to see that Feng Xingying was okay, but they were also full of doubts.

They thought Feng Xingying was captured by the orcs and killed by the orcs. Ye Jingning also said that he would kill the orcs.

Turning his head, each of the tall and fierce half-orcs has become a daring baby bear, a tiger baby, and a baby lion, and they also call Queen Fengying.

What's more terrible is that the army they shot this time still obey Ye Jingning's dispatch?

Even if Ye Jingning doesn't like half-orcs anymore, he can't kill his army?

The half-orcs who followed Ye Jingning were not many, but all of them were elites among the elite. There were ten supreme soldiers in the hundred-man group, and the remaining ninety were warrior-grade warriors.

Ye Xiaonian curiously asked Huang Doula, the lion girl of the army:

"Isn't there anything below the rank in your army?"

"What does it mean below the honor?" Huang Dora asked Ye Xiaonian curiously.

"It's weaker, like me, weaker than your fighters."

"I see. We in the Orc army also have what you said, but this can only be left for training in the reserve forces. We must first work in places such as mansions, arsenals, and schools. After the strength is reached, we can Official Crystal Armor. "

"Jing Kaijun? What's that? What a weird name." Ye Xiaonian asked curiously, and everyone else had his ears up.

For the weird race of the half-orcs, humans now have long lost their hatred and stigma, but just feel novel.

Especially look at the fluffy ears and tail, but there are human bodies and faces, the lower body is a structure like a lion and tiger, and some half-orcs have a pair of wings.

All in all strange, novel and fun.

"You, come out, armed!" Huang Doula called a fluffy half-bear teenager, giving orders.

Immediately after hearing the order, the teenager patted him on his right chest. There was a small badge there. After he patted him, he immediately gave off a dazzling silver-white light.

The silver and white light flickered constantly, and the half-bear youngsters began to appear white light. Pieces of scattered silver-white armor emerged from the light, instantly covering the young man.

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