Cold King, the Doctor Fei Is Running Away

Chapter 2000: Under Heavenly Order

Biquge, the fastest update of Leng Wang, the medical concubine will elope the latest chapter!

"I haven't been guarded recently, let them follow me." Feng Xingying looked at Qin Molin.

"Okay." Qin Molin nodded and ordered Huang Duola: "Huang Duola, you will follow the queen in the future."

"Observe, great queen, beautiful queen!" Huang Doula half-knelt saluted, and then excitedly held her hundred people into humanoid form, so as not to scare people.

Feng Xingying's Lihuang Sword, accompanied by Qin Molin's order from the Heavenly Pavilion, bluntly tore the enchantment into a big hole, allowing Huang Doula and others to leave smoothly.

Ye Jingning shook his head, still did not violate Feng Xingying's meaning.

"Huang Dora, can you still sense the direction of the old man with a spider? Find him for me."

After the enchantment, Feng Xingying ordered.

"Okay, queen." Huang Dola pulled out her spar badge and continued to sense the direction of their great shaman.

Only this time, the badge was motionless and there was no instruction.

"Oops, he knew that we were chasing him through the power of the Great Shaman. He may have sealed the power of the Great Shaman. The sealing technique is very high, and I can't sense it.

Another possibility is that he left the continent. "

"Leaving the mainland? How is this possible ?!" Ye Jingning shook his head, chasing the old man of Qian spider all the way, chasing fiercely.

If it were not for the misunderstanding of Wang Jiancheng, they might have caught up.

How can a good person suddenly leave.

"I will mobilize people from the whole college to look for him. Our land cannot be polluted." Ye Jingning was quite judgmental.

"Very well, you will bring me your own martial arts. Especially the spiritual college, please cooperate with this search, be sure to dig the ground three feet, to find out the old man with a thousand spiders."

Qin Molin ordered coldly, and at the same time a golden "ling" word that burst into the sky suddenly appeared in the sky of the mainland. Almost everyone can see the word.

This is Qin Molin used the identity of the owner of the Tongtian Pavilion, issued a Tongtian order.

"Tongtian order comes out, and the whole people gnaws the old man with a thousand spiders. The discoverer can enter the Ten Thousand Pagodas to practice for ten days; the assassin can enter the Tongtian Pavilion and be washed by the stars."

Qin Molin specially issued the Heavenly Order for the Elderly Man of the Thousand Spiders, and also provided such generous conditions. It is also because the tumor of the old man with a thousand spiders is really terrible.

I believe that the great temptation of Tongtianling will also join the entire continent, and they are eager to join in the plan to find and destroy the old man with a thousand spiders.

The discoverer, ten days of spiritual practice. Wan Mo Tower, a terrible place one day and one year, only the mainland's most outstanding elites and those who have made great contributions can always enter. Except for the fixed number of places in the Second House, all the remaining places are allocated by Tongtian Pavilion.

The opportunity to be assigned to the tower by the Tongtian Pavilion is also very unique. The star master and spirit master of the Tiantian Pavilion can go in for ten days each year.

Unfortunately, the Lord of the Nine Stars is not complete. In addition to Qin Molin and Feng Xingying, who are absent all year round, there are only four people left. The Jiuling qualified spiritual master is said to not exceed five. I can't imagine such a place.

Then there are twenty-five people identified by the guardian of the stars, and they can enjoy ten days in three years.

The remaining trial opportunities of Wan Mo Tower are used by Tongtian Pavilion to hold various competitions every year: team competitions, individual elite competitions, youth fighting competitions, youth group fighting competitions, and alchemy, refining equipment, and charms. The tests will give the Wan Mo Tower a chance to try.

In short, this opportunity has always been precious. Now looking for someone, as long as you find him, you can get rewards without hands. Who doesn't want to run into luck?

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