Cold King, the Doctor Fei Is Running Away

Chapter 2004: Xiaonian's Life 2

Biquge, the fastest update of Leng Wang, the medical concubine will elope the latest chapter!

Feng Xingying can't control so much now, let's take a look at Ye Xiaonian first.

Ye Xiaonian was at the root of the **** tree, holding an old crumpled tree, and his crying liver was broken.

"Well, don't cry." Feng Xingying patted gently on Ye Xiaonian's shoulder.

"Master, no wonder my father didn't want me. It turned out that I was really a wild species. I might still be the daughter of a big devil." Ye Xiaonian was crying, a little afraid to approach Feng Xingying.

She knew that her master hated the old man Qian Qian. If she was the daughter of the old man Qian Qian, the master would not let her go.

Feng Xingying patted Ye Xiaonian's head:

"Stupid girl. We can't choose our own origin, we can only choose how to live this life.

I accept apprentices because of your character, not because of your identity. Even if you have no father or mother, do you still have me as a master? "

"Master!" Ye Xiaonian finally didn't hold back, turned around and hugged Feng Xingying, crying so hard that he couldn't stop crying.

"I heard Ye Jingning talk with you about science the other day. What did you say, remember?"

"Remember. Three brothers said that when entering the master's door, we must abide by the rules of our door. Our door is different from other doors. Our philosophy is that students and disciples are the closest relatives in the world.

As apprentices, we must honour the master for the rest of his life and treat him like a mother-in-law. We must not lose the face of the master, safeguard the reputation of the master, and pass down the master's skill from generation to generation. "

Ye Xiaonian remembered to listen clearly, and came back a little, with a happy smile on her face.

"Stupid child, then you only know that the disciples are to the master. If they are biological parents, you do n’t know that the master is to the apprentice. So you are my apprentice, even my daughter, do you know?

Why, has anyone in the Phoenix Phoenix bullied you? "

"No, they all admire the master and take good care of me."

"Then what are you still doing here? Come with me." Feng Xingying took Ye Xiaonian's hand and was about to take her away.

"Hey, hey, girl Xingying, don't leave."

The old tree also turned into an adult form and was blocked in front of Feng Xingying.

"Senior tree, long time no see." Feng Xingying saluted to the old man.

This is the core figure of the entire Shenhuang Realm-Indus God Tree.

The places where the people of Shenhuangyu live are all on the Indus God Tree, but the Indus God Tree is too big, and most people ca n’t see the whole picture, thinking they are on an island.

"Girl Xingying, this time I have to thank you for helping me get my daughter back." Ye Xiaonian, who was walking by Shenshu, looked at her from side to side.

Ye Xiaonian was a little afraid of the old man, so he hid behind Feng Xingying.

Feng Xingying's face immediately pulled down: "Dead old man, you are bored, empty, lonely and cold, and you want to find a daughter to honor your feelings, I understand, but you don't want to hit my apprentice's idea."

"It wasn't her idea, that, she is really my daughter." The old man Shenshu was a little shy:

"One of my **** tree seeds that accidentally fell off, and was picked up and eaten by that Anlian butterfly.

I think she eats everything, even if it doesn't matter, I can't be so stingy.

Originally, I have a lot of fruits, and they are often scattered in Shenhuang Realm, often picked up and eaten by humans. You just took a panacea. "

"Then you eat your fruit and conceive your child? Old man, do you bully me for not understanding genetics?

Then you are very old, so many kinds of seeds are scattered out, that child is everywhere? "

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