Cold King, the Doctor Fei Is Running Away

Chapter 2012: Immutable history

Biquge, the fastest update of Leng Wang, the medical concubine will elope the latest chapter!

After Huang Doola left, Feng Xingying asked An Rushan again:

"How about you? Why are you still here?"

"I don't defend well and I don't have my own team. I want to follow you first. Also, I want to worship you as a teacher!"

"As a teacher, I have to examine your ability and mentality again. As for following me, then follow along. Let's go back to Shenhuang Island first. Our Shenhuang tribe is good at attacking or not defending. You can team with us. "

Feng Xingying could only temporarily collect the unconscious Ye Xiaonian into his own space, and together with An Rushan, spread it to Shenhuang Island in a teleportation array.

After the Heavenly Order of the Master of the Heavenly Court was issued, Shenhuang Island is no longer a reclusive phoenix realm and can naturally be received.

The elders of Shenhuang Island also organized their soldiers into ten legions.

Feng Xingying was really proud at this moment. Although her peak strength was not as good as the half-orcs, their number was ten times that of the half-orcs, and more than all other spirits on the mainland combined. .

When she arrived at Shenhuang Island, Ye Xiaonian also woke up, and she told Feng Xingying entangledly:

"My father can't do it, but I can also become a new God Phoenix Realm, but my ability is not enough. In the new God Phoenix Realm, I can only enjoy a double time bonus. Later, when I grow up, it will gradually increase."

"Then what do you need to pay?"

"Become a tree." Ye Xiaonian lowered her head.

If this is destiny, maybe she can't escape it.

Feng Xingying shook his head: "I don't want you to be a tree, I want you to be a person, to accompany me to fight with others. Don't worry about anything else, take your father's body as soon as possible, I will wait for you to come back to help I."

"Master, you really don't need me? If I become a **** phoenix, I can put all ordinary people on the mainland into it."

"No need. This is the continent of all of us. Since the continent is in danger, everyone must watch and witness the contribution of every hero. No one can escape this doom.

If you don't want to be killed, you have to be strong! Feng Xingying's heart was full of war.

She should not be a member of the ancient gods, **** sacrifice herself to complete others, never experienced real danger, and the rescued will not be grateful.

In this case, let's fight together.

When Ye Xiaonian flew to the bottom of Shenhuang Island to find her father, she could still hear the voice of Feng Xingying mobilizing everyone in Shenhuang Island:

"I do not regret taking you out of the Divine Phoenix Realm. Even if we are still residing in the Indus Tree, I will still choose to fight.

Because the thing of the demons, because of our **** phoenix domain, should end in our hands. If the mainland is occupied by the demons, our Sycamore tree will not survive and we will perish. If you want to live, you have to take the initiative! "

With the mobilization of Feng Xingying, the spirits of the Shenhuang tribe, who were still not emotional, had a little more courage to die.

On the other side, Qin Molin has assembled a large number of spirits on the coast of Hankong and personally sent starters:

"Our soldiers, this is a battle against the water, there is no victory or defeat, only life and death. Are you afraid?"

"Not afraid!"

"Not afraid!"

Neat excitement echoed across the sea.

Feng Xingying took her Divine Phoenix Army team to the Hankong Coast to meet with such an enterprising voice.

It is indeed her man, always so outstanding. Feng Xingying's face showed a smile of satisfaction, and his warfare became stronger.

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