Cold King, the Doctor Fei Is Running Away

Chapter 2027: Peace negotiations

Biquge, the fastest update of Leng Wang, the medical concubine will elope the latest chapter!

The vast ocean floor.

Almost all the spirits on the mainland were carried by huge spiritual boats and came to the bottom of Hankong Island.

Here, it has completely changed.

The black sea water is rolling up layer by layer. The speed is not fast, but it is extremely stable.

In just three days, the entire sea area will be polluted!

"The bottom of the sea is too dangerous, let's go up!" Feng Xingying was decisive.

"Everyone, line up, bless with spiritual power!"

This is the only way to combat magic.

Everyone's heart was shrouded in a cloud, and they lost their money.

If they can find the Pollution Submarine Plan of the Demons two years earlier, they can still restrain with aura.

Now, there is no other way, even if all the deities shot at the same time, the seawater has been polluted most of the time, and it can only last for a moment.

Feng Xingying handed the matter over to Tao Xingzhou, and she took someone to check the nearby rivers.

This investigation, Feng Xingying was shocked.

All the river channels have become color, from the original clear river to the Heishui River.

This trick of the Demons has polluted the water resources of the entire continent, and everyone will die because of lack of water!

Now I don't know how long these seawaters can last.

An Qianmo, the leader, is not completely useless, at least at this critical moment, he also knows to do an emergency, and orders the entire people to store water, while there is still a layer of clean water in the vast sea.

While these spiritual masters can sustain for a while, all they have to do is to create as much space equipment as possible to store water and store a large amount of clean water.

Feng Xingying's space has her own water source. She still feels uneasy, and also introduces a lot of clean water, frozen into ice, and placed it in the ice field in the northern part of her space from Phoenix Sword.

Zhuo Ziyan, An Rushan, Ye Xiaonian, who have their own field of stars, are also storing a lot of water.

Their star space is not as large as Feng Xingying, but it is also much larger than ordinary storage space. At least it is also a world that can hold a lot of water.

Now the most troublesome is the ordinary people in the interior, no longer have clean water to drink.

This incident fell on An Qian Mo, sending people to break down the seawater and transport it to the whole continent.

After that, the Forest of Warcraft was demonized by black water pollution, and a large number of spirit beasts were demonized. The orcs did not participate in the war, and many have become the vanguard of the demon.

The situation across the continent is deadlocked.

Feng Xingying took a chance and put Qin Molin in the most mysterious Star Hall of Tongtian Pavilion.

Legend has it that the Star Hall was built entirely in accordance with the stars' trajectory, and was only affected by the stars, and even out of the control of the mainland. Qin Molin should be the safest in the Star Hall.

Feng Xingying did this, avoiding everyone's eyes and eyes, and only herself, knowing that Qin Molin was here.

Feng Xingying added elements of time and control to the illusion of obsession.

Time, ten years, if Qin Molin was trapped for ten years, his illusion would naturally disappear.

Also, if he is attacked, he will automatically release the illusion.

Feng Xingying just wanted to save Qin Molin, not to block him. Her man can never be hurt.

There is another factor that Feng Xingying thinks can be ignored, which is the spiritual field.

Her obsessive illusion is constructed with mysterious and powerful divine power, but she must rely on the spiritual gathering to absorb the surrounding spiritual power. If the mainland's spiritual power is insufficient, it will not be able to maintain the array.

Feng Xingying looked at Qin Molin in the formation, and in his eyes pre-surgery, once again saw the picture of his soul flying.

No, she must not let it happen.

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