Cold King, the Doctor Fei Is Running Away

Chapter 2068: I give you evidence

Biquge, the fastest update of Leng Wang, the medical concubine will elope the latest chapter!

Feng Xingying was busy these days, and did not pay attention to the situation of the people around him.

A week later, rumors began to spread among the maids.

Still Ji Miaomiao angrily told Feng Xingying:

"Fang Ziqi is really an ungrateful thing. She said bad things about you everywhere, saying that you seduced General Ji Yun by beauty, and then because of General Ji Yun's relationship, the ugly duckling became a phoenix. I plan to marry General Yun in the future. "

After Feng Xingying heard it, it seemed that since the rumors were circulating, he had to solve it?

She ca n’t be too good at talking, since she is her maid, do n’t think too easily!

Feng Xingying called all the maids together that night and announced a message:

"Fang Ziqi spreads the rumors, blame and expels. Wei Hong, Zhou Yuner, Fang Qing help spread the rumors, chase."

Dare to spread the rumor of the princess, this is the most basic punishment.

Fang Ziqi retorted, "Is the princess guilty?"

"Come, execution!" When Feng Xingying was able to use power to oppress others, he still reasoned with her?

She Feng Xingying is now a princess, and a **** order immediately gave Feng Xingying a thug.

Feiying's bones are loyal to General Ji Yun. All those who speak badly about the general must be severely punished.

The general told him before his departure that Princess Shadow was his most important person. In order to protect Princess Shadow, at all costs, including offending Luo Overlord and Queen Qin.

Where are the princess Shadows so respected, where can a cat and a dog be slandered?

The executioner was very fierce, and actually secretly used star power to beat Fang Ziqi into bitter sky.

Feng Xingying spoke to her at this time:

"I didn't have to explain it to you because my body is not afraid of shadows. But this affects the reputation of General Ji Yun. I still have to explain a few words.

You said that I seduced General Ji Yun, dare to ask if you have any evidence? I know you don't, but I do. "

At this point Fang Ziqi was sealed Xingli, under the punishment of flogging, where there is strength to talk back to Feng Xingying.

Feng Xingying just continued to say:

"My evidence is that General Ji Yun, who is General Ji Yun. Needless to say, every one of you knows. If he can be seduced casually, I don't know how many women Luo Futian has done. Can you get me by turn?

I know Fang Ziqi, you have seduced General Ji Yun, but how come you do n’t know it? You said that I seduced him, not only to insult my personality, but also to your most beloved General Ji Yun.

You don't deserve to love him. "

Feng Xingying said a word, making others speechless.

"As for you, I will not punish you. No matter if you are too stupid to believe in others, or if you have no purpose in mind, you are no longer qualified to be my maid. Your resume will always record this and it will With you throughout your life.

The Louvre Palace is not a charity. Everyone is responsible for their actions. You have made a choice. Now is the time to bear the consequences. "

"As for the others, I don't name them. It doesn't mean I don't know. I just want to give you a chance to see if you are confused or stupid.

If you are brainless, I would advise you to leave early. The Louvre Palace is not a place where people without brains can live.

I am a princess and you are maids. This is the biggest difference. If you ca n’t even understand this point, do you want to die here if you stay here? "

Feng Xingying said that these maids finally really regarded her as a princess and needed to look up.

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