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It's a pity that Qin Yue came and Feng Xingying had to deal with her.

The Queen Qin provided food and clothing for her, and gave her practice resources.

"I heard that it will be Princess Ying's birthday in three months. I plan to send invitations to other major stars in the entire spiritual realm to make this birthday party a invitation party."

"Recruited?" Feng Xingying's face changed immediately.

Before Feng Xingying opened her mouth, Queen Qin took the initiative to say, "I know, I promised you to live with you and not to force your marriage.

This time to recruit relatives is just a cover, and also to promote friendship with other galaxies.

After all, the matter of recruiting relatives is our wishful thinking. At that time, you will say nothing about it. "

Feng Xingying thought and nodded: "I am willing to cooperate, but no one can change my original intention."

There is no lunch for nothing in this world. She has received so much hospitality from Queen Qin, and naturally she has to give something back. This official way she can accept.

But if the Queen Qin wants to persecute her step by step, such as marrying Ji Yun or something, she won't be able to close the star net.

And the communication with other star domains, there is something that Feng Xingying especially looks forward to, that is the distant red blood star!

Would it be her mother if someone came too? If the mother came, would she recognize her and take her home?

With this in mind, Feng Xingying cooperated with the queen generously once:

"If you need to take a picture, you just do it."

"This is not necessary, of course, our beautiful shadow princess, the more mysterious, the better." Queen Qin asked tentatively: "Do you want to take a picture, who are you looking for? Would you like to help?"

"No, thank you Mother Mother for your concern." Feng Xingying shook her head, how could she tell the Queen Qin her true purpose.

Don't look at Qin Yue and Feng Xingying's mother and son filial piety, mother and daughter who are harmonious compared to mother and daughter.

But if something really happens, Feng Xingying knows that Qin Mao turned his face up faster than flipping the book.

On the contrary, she was Feng Xingying. After all, she could not do too much because she had inherited the favor of Qin Yue.

Take a step and look at it.

Feng Xingying hopes to see her father or mother at her birthday banquet. If she can't, she won't be able to see her reputation, and her picture of Princess Luofu Tianying may have a chance to fall into their hands.

Even if she is no longer good, she Feng Xingying can seize the rich resources of the princess herself, strengthen her strength, and go to Red Blood Day in person to find her parents.

Feng Xingying has been in the spirit world for so long, and hasn't heard the three words Qin Molin, her heart is actually dead.

She saw Qin Molin sacrificing his own soul and flesh to seal the demon. How could it be alive?

Rather than holding unrealistic fantasies, Feng Xingying is more willing to first strengthen herself to become a hegemon, and then wait for her to have enough ability, maybe she can go back and save Qin Molin.

Except for Qin Molin, her heart will never move for anyone, nor will she marry anyone.

Ji Yun's body is Ji Jue's soul. He treats her well. Feng Xingying certainly understands, but she can only pretend to be confused.

For the next three months, the entire Louvre was mad, and everyone was busy setting up the princess's ball, waiting to receive distinguished guests from other star domains at any time.

Only Princess Ying herself is an idler, and she cultivates her star power all day long.

The mysterious princess is not seen!

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