Cold King, the Doctor Fei Is Running Away

Chapter 2076: Ji Yun's obsession

Biquge, the fastest update of Leng Wang, the medical concubine will elope the latest chapter!

Feng Xingying immediately let the robot search for the Star Thief King.

The system prompts: Sorry, you do not have permission to query this information.

Feng Xingying has searched for the history of Star Thief.

The system prompts: Sorry, you do not have permission to query this information.

Then check the record of the battle between Luo Futian and Star Thief.

The system prompts: Sorry, you do not have permission to query this information.

Several consecutive times have no permissions, making Feng Xingying feel even stranger.

Because of a command from Ji Yun, Luo Futian has blocked all the information of Star Thief and Star Thief King, and the word Qin Molin will not appear.

Afterwards, Queen Qin helped Ji Yun to strengthen the shielding, let alone Feng Xingying, and other people could not find any information about Star Theft.

This is not the first time in Luo Futian. Everyone is accustomed to it. At most, some people think that the Star Thief has acted and will not contact Feng Xingying.

It was also these clues, and Roy went to send the image to the Star Thief King, so that Qin Hongyun captured some information, and felt that the Queen Qin was going to give Feng Xingying to the Star Thief King.

Sending a woman to the Star Thief King, Qin Hongyun finally found that her aunt, the queen, had always been admired, and there were times when she could not be reached.

However, the princess gnawed ant ears, and she could recognize another one when she was sent away, without having to give birth to herself. No wonder the queen did not feel bad.

However, seeing Ji Yun's most powerful flying shadow team actually guarded that shadow princess, Qin Hongyun was still a little reconciled.

Maybe just for loneliness, maybe to find a chance to talk to Ji Yun, or maybe want to test Ji Yun's tone.

Qin Hongyun actually went out of the palace to find General Ji Yun.

Ji Yun didn't want to see Qin Hongyun, which was inconvenient.

Qin Hongyun said, however, that she brought the latest news from Princess Shadow.

Ji Yun couldn't refuse this excuse.

No matter she was in her heart or not, he still could not forget the girl who smiled at him that day and brought a touch of sunshine and hope to his gray life.

He is Ji Yun, but he is even more Ji Ji.

Ji Jue's soul was brought to the head by the **** for thousands of years and was able to attach to Ji Yun. After that, his powerful soul almost completely controlled the body.

Outsiders only said that he was Ji Yun, the former **** Ji Yun of Yunxi mainland, and now Ji Yun, the first general of Luofutian.

But he really wanted someone to call him Ji Ji, who he only hoped was Feng Xingying.

Maybe it ’s obsession or it ’s a habit. Feng Xingying ’s name has long been engraved in his bone marrow. What he used to get, now seems to be within reach.

Shadow princess? Is it a birthday party?

Since Qin Yue threw an olive branch at him, he was ready to take it.

For Princess Ying, he doesn't mind giving up the possibility of becoming emperor, and will always be a guard general.

But this sudden visit to Qin Hongyun made Ji Yun a little bit uncomfortable.

Qin Hongyun's feelings for him are all written in his eyes. This kind of predatory love was once realized by Ji Yunwei, but now he doesn't want to continue to experience it.

But for Princess Ying, I can barely meet her.

"What do you think of the princess?" Ji Yun's voice was cold.

"Do you like Princess Shadow?" Qin Hongyun asked directly.

"Yes." Ji Yun didn't intend to hide it. In a few days, Luo Futian, even Shifangtiandi, would know the secret.

"Hahaha, haha, it's so funny." Qin Hongyun laughed a little ironically: "Ji Yun, the former defender of the year, told me that his heart was ruthless and loveless. What's wrong now?"

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