Cold King, the Doctor Fei Is Running Away

Chapter 2087: As long as you nod

Biquge, the fastest update of Leng Wang, the medical concubine will elope the latest chapter!

Ye Jingning and others now know that Star Thief is going to marry Feng Xingying, and Feng Xingying flatly refuses to agree. They didn't know yet that the King of Star Thieves was Qin Molin.

They chose to go with Feng Xingying at this time, all with the determination to die.

Feng Xingying swept across their faces and nodded in satisfaction:

"Okay, let's get through this difficult time together. Whether it's Luo Futian or Star Stealer, as long as we keep working hard, one day, we can overturn this cage.

If you follow me, I will not let you die. "

Feng Xingying returned to the house, but she had nothing to pack. She had already been ready to escape, and even her clothes and daily necessities were placed in her own star field.

That gorgeous set of clothes, spar jewellery and rouge gouache belonged to the shadow princess, and Feng Xingying did not intend to take it away.

This princess journey, in the eyes of others, is bright and beautiful, in fact, Feng Xingying understands it, but it is just a bargaining chip.

Her so-called righteous father and mother just use her face and name as bait.

Friendship? nonexistent.

Feng Xingying said to pack things, but he just wanted to sort out his mood.

Her two goals in coming to the spirit world were to find her father and find a way to resurrect Qin Molin.

Now that Qin Molin is alive in front of her, what is she not satisfied with?

However, the development of things exceeded her imagination. This Qin Molin is not the same as Qin Molin, which is the most tangled place of Feng Xingying.

After all, she couldn't calm down when facing Qin Molin.

He is not just a face, but every detail, like the breath, eyes, and movement, is exactly the same as Qin Molin.

All this tells Feng Xingying that he is Qin Molin.

If he was Qin Molin, what would Yunxi mainland do?

Feng Xingying's heart actually understood a little bit, but Qin Molin gave her life for her, and Feng Xingying's heart owed him after all. She didn't want to abandon this relationship, so she would constantly refuse the Star Thief King in front of her.

Feng Xingying stared at the candlelight in a daze, a red figure suddenly appeared in front of her.

Feng Xingying raised his eyes and laughed at the people who suddenly appeared:

"Are you here to see me off, my former fiance?"

"No." Ji Yun's face was a little cold, with a little perseverance: "As long as you nod your head, I will take you away. The spirit world is so big, there is always a place where Star Thief cannot find.

Ji Yun looked at Feng Xingying earnestly, and his heart beat a little faster.

As long as she nodded, his hard work over the past few thousand years, all his achievements will turn into bubble phantoms and become legends that are gradually forgotten.

But what about that, in order to be with the one you love, these are not important.

Now he was waiting, just a word of Feng Xingying, or an action.

However, the disappointment in Ji Yun's eyes grew stronger.

Because the woman in his eyes, who was only one step away from him, was shaking his head.

"After all, can you still remember Qin Molin?"

"Um." Feng Xingying bowed his head and defaulted.

She couldn't explain to Ji Yun, but she didn't want to go with Ji Yun. If she ran away with Ji Yun today and took on all the future of Ji Yun, it would be tantamount to acquiescing with him.

Since it is an unrepayable love, it is regarded as a dream that wakes up before it is done.

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